Destroyer of Worlds.

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Jennifer Tanner
Episode 10, Part 3
Part 2 of I Am Become Death

I groaned before rolling over. My eyes fluttered open and I looked around me to see more of the teenagers writhing on the ground in pain. I winced as I slowly pushed myself into a sitting position, my hand found it's way to my head as I tried to stand. I was successful, only stumbling a bit. When I stood I noticed Clarke was sleeping in the hammock that Murphy had resided in when Clarke and I were outside. 

I looked around in confusion. "Hey, Jen, you should be resting." Octavia came up beside me, handing me a cup of water. 

"O?" I looked at her in confusion. "What happened?" I questioned before pulling the cool water to my lips and greedily gulping the refreshing liquid. I didn't realize how parched I was until the water touched my dry and cracked lips. "How many more got sick? Did Lincoln know a cure?" I questioned more as some memory cambe back to me and I turned towards her.

"Woah, Jen, calm down with the questions. " She chuckled as she removed the cup from my hand and set it down on the table beside her. Her features then grew serious as she looked around us. "Too many people are down. There is no cure. It's a biological weapon that weakens us before battle."

"Uh?" I turned to her in shock. "Before battle?"

"Mhm." She turned to me with an angered look. "They plan on attacking at first light.

My eyes widened. "First light? All of our fighters are down. Please tell me someone has a plan. We have to stop them, at least slow them down-"

"We have a plan." Octavia interrupted me. 

"What is it?" I asked quickly.

"Hydrazine." She replied. I frowned as I looked down. Hydrazine? Why does that sound so familiar...

       "It's a type of rocket fuel, extremely unstable in its non-solid state, meaning that that entire area is unstable and I would like to figure out if there's a way we could use it for weapons maybe." Raven explained as she leaned forward.

"...ah.. A bomb?" I asked myself as my gaze fell to my feet.

"Wait, how did you know?" Octavia asked in confusion.

"I remember Raven telling me about it in our tent just before Xavier woke up. She said that Hydrazine was highly unstable in it's non-solid state. So they're making a bomb." I explained as I turned to her again. 

She nodded her head. "Bellamy, Finn, Monty, and Raven left to go to the Exodus ship ruins. They should be back soon with the Hydrazine. Then the bomb will be ready." She informed me. 

I nodded my head as I looked into her warm brown eyes. The same eyes as Bellamy's. "What are they planning to blow up?" I asked her simply as I turned my head to look at all of the ill delinquents around us.

"The bridge." She told me. 

I furrowed my brow. "They plan on blowing up a bridge that survived a nuclear war and ninety seven years of radiation and weather?" I questioned in confusion. 

She nodded her head. "Yes, but let's be honest, Jen, do you honestly think it'll survive Raven?" She asked me before turning away to attend to the others.

I was asking myself the same thing though. Would this bridge, that has been there for hundreds of years and survived so much, withstand the blow constructed by a seventeen yeard old girl?


I was sitting against the wall of the dropship with my knees pulled to my chest and my arms wrapped them. Octavia stood next to Clarke, dabbing her forehead with a dampened cloth. It was dark now and I heard that the others were back with the hydrazine. 

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