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Jennifer Tanner
Episode 6, Part 2

I remember that day like it was yesterday. The day I woke up in the Med Bay with no idea of how I got there. I had no recollection to what happened the three days prior of me being there. I remember waking up and finding out that I had just turned fifteen. I remember running down the hallway and finding Bellamy. He wasn't in his guard uniform and he looked happy and sad. A mixture of the two. 

I remember being scared of what happened. My heart dropping in my stomach and my thoughts immediately going to the boy's sister and mother. The family had become mine after I lost my parents. I was terrified. When I was going to ask him I the guard's showed up to take me away for harboring the secret of the Ark. They then found out through Nygel that I had gone to her looking for extra rations. They figured out I had been helping Octavia. I was locked away only to die on my eighteenth birthday with no retribution because my crimes were crimes of treason.

I remember being dragged away kicking and screaming to get back to Bellamy. To tell him I loved him, just in case I never got to see him again. I remember the fear in my stomach of the death I would face three years from then. I remember the fear of never seeing him, or any of the important people in my life, again. It terrified me. 

In this moment I felt the same fear. The fear of being dragged away from everything I know and love. The fear of my inevitable death. When these men stormed into the cave my first instinct was to run. Get out of there and not look back. Xavier had dragged us into a corner in the back of the cave. He kept me tied up though. Maybe to make sure I didn't get myself killed. Or maybe because he still didn't trust me. I couldn't blame him. I wouldn't trust me in this situation either.

So here I was hidden in a crook in the cave listening to him fighting these men. I wanted to go out there. I wanted to help. Growing up around guards helped me with fighting. They taught me how to fight. I could hear them shouting, I hear flesh hitting flessh and bones crunching. Cries of pain and anger rang out in the small empty space. 

I shifted in my spot, but let out a small squeak as I felt a rock cut into the skin on my back. Everything went still. Everything became quiet. I could hear my pulse beating and the heavy breaths. Then all of a sudden my thoughts flashed back to being dragged away. I felt hands grip my arms and I was thrown out of the small space. I let out a cry of pain as I hit the hard rock floor. 

"Trikova." I heard the man above me growl. I frowned in confusion. Isn't that what Xavier called me when I was on that hill side?

"Leave her alone!" Xavier shouted from across the room. My eyes met his and I now noticed that there were four men. Two were standing around me and two were pinning him to the ground. 

The two men in front of me were covered in tattoos and wearing white animal hides. One was muscular and he had a shaved head. He had dull brown eyes that bore into mine. The other one who had called me 'Trikova' had a similar build only he had long hair and a beard that stopped just past his chin. 

I didn't get a good look at the other two because I was to busy focusing on the pain ridden expression covering Xavier's face. I lept for him, to try and help him, but the two men standing beside me roughly gripped my arms and pulled me up. one of the men grabbed my hair and yanked it back. I let ou ta stifled gasp as my head shot towards the cieling, pain soaring through my neck.

"The Ice Queen has been looking for you." The man growled, I felt his hot breath on the skin of my neck. I whimpered in his hold, terrified. 

"I don't know what you're talking about."I said, praying that my voice sounded stronger than it felt.

"Don't lie!" The man bellowed as he shook my body. I cried out from the pain that was continuously growing in my skull. I could feel blood draining down my back and I'm sure my shoulder had been ripped open again. "You killed five of my  men!" 

"What?" I cried out. "I haven't killed anyone!" I wasn't a murderer. I could never kill someone. 

"It wasn't her!" Xavier shouted out, but I watched helplessly as the two men above him, shoved him harder into the floor. "It wasn't her." He breathed helplessly. I'm not sure why but something in me snapped at that moment. I pulled my hands up and swung to the side, my fist making contact with the nose of the man who held me. He dropped me and my body hit the ground.

I pulled myself up and kneed the other man in the groin before colliding with the one who held Xavier's hands behind his back. I saw Xavier break free right before my head was thrown against the ground. The man flipped me over and straddled my hips. 

Pain erupted through out my skull and face as he threw punch after punch. Every hit was a new explosion of heat. I felt tears streaming down my face as I bucked my hips and tried to shove the man off. I could feel my eyes swelling and bruises forming. I knew my nose was bleeding and he busted my lip. Finally, I was able to get one good swing to the temple of the man. He rolled off me and I quickly stood. My hand immediately found a handmade spear. 

I froze. Every part of my body screamed in pain and I was absolutely terrified. Never, in my life, did I think murder would be a crime I would commit, but in that moment, as I watched this man charge towards me, the only reflex I had was to place that spear in front of me and watch in horror as it impaled his body. 

He froze this time as his hand reached towards the pole. He looked up at me and coughed up blood before keeling over. I watched silently as he took his final breath. The other three were dead already.

I looked up to see a bloodied Xavier, he ran towards me as tears filled my eyes. "Jennifer, you need to breathe." I pulled away from him, shaking my head. I rubbed my forehead almost as though I were trying erase that man's look. His eyes bore into my soul when I drove that spear through his heart and I could feel myself breaking.

"No, no, no, Xavier, I killed him." I cried as I collapsed to the ground. "He's dead because of me."

Xavier's strong arms wrapped around my body as I sobbed, I cried out for the man that I just killed and I cried out for his family.

"I'm a horrible person." I whispered as the tears continued to stream down my face.


Hey guys,

Sorry that I'm so behind, if you saw my last update you'll understand why, so I'm going to work on getting caught up.

I hope you enjoy the new chapter 

I love you guysss

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