The Hunt.

190 12 5

Jennifer Taner
Episode 4, Part 3

I hissed in pain as Clarke tended to the wound on my shoulder. "I need you to take off your shirt." She whispered. I nodded my head. 

"I'm going to need your help. It's more painful then it looks." 

She let out a small chukle before helping me remove my shirt. Bellamy watched silently from the other side of the tent. I avoided eye contact with him. Right now I wanted nothing to do with him or the fact that he hung Murphy. No, he's not dead obviously. Clarke cut him down before he could but it doesn't change the fact that if things happened differently he could be dead right now. His blood would be on Bellamy's hands. Bellamy would regret that.

"Bring out the girl, Bellamy!" Murphy shouted from the other side of the tent. Bellamy groaned and turned to Charlotte.

"Why, Charlotte?" He pleaded with her. I watched the little girl in complete shock. I'm not happy but I don't think she deserves death. Just like Murphy didn't.

"I was just trying to slay my demons, like you told me." Charlotte argued back. Clarke was finished with my shoulder and she whipped around standing next to Finn. I sighed and pulled my shirt on walking over to Bellamy. I was infuriated with him but Charlotte misunderstood what he was saying.

"What the hell is she talking about?" Clarke demanded.

"She misunderstood him." I told Clarke.

Bellamy turned back to Charlotte. "Charlotte , that is not what I meant."

"Bring the girl out now!"Murphy shouted again.

We all looked out towards where the crowd is standing. We can't see them and they can't see us. But we could tell they were becoming impatient.

"Please don't let them hurt me." Charlotte begged.

Bellamy turned towards Finn, Clarke, and I. "If you guys have any bright ideas, speak up."

Everyone was at a loss. "Now you stay quiet."

"Those are your boys out there." Finn snapped at him.

"Woah, hold up." I stopped Finn. "This isn't Bellamy's fault."

"Yeah, if she had just listened to me they would still be building that damn wall." Bellamy added. 

"Not what I was say-"

"You want to build a society, Princess?" Murphy's voice busted through our conversation.

Finn opened the door to the tent and looked out there. "Let's build a society. Bring her out!" Murphy continued.

"No! Please, Bellamy. Jen." She pleaded with the two of us. I sighed and looked to Finn and Clarke. 

"Get her out of here. Bellamy and I will distract them long enough for the three of you to get away. Maybe we can talk some sense into the prick." I told them.

Charlotte looked at me wide-eyed. "No, Bellamy. I don't want to leave you." I gave him a look.

Bellamy nodded his head and bent down to look Charlotte in the eyes. "Charlotte, hey, it's gonna be okay. Just stay with them." And with that Bellamy and I left the tent. 

I stood three feet away from the tent my arms were crossed and my glare set on Murphy. "Ah, look who came to greet me herself. My saviour." Sarcasm dripped from Murphy's tongue. "Oh, well, well, well. Look who else decided to join us." He said as Bellamy emerged from the tent.  He strutted up to us, thinking he won.

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