Rescue Party.

246 16 7

Jennifer Tanner
Episode 2, Part 2

I needed to get away from camp. I should have been with the other five yesterday instead of here.

Clarke and I made our way into the drop ship, Clarke began cutting the seat belts off the chairs and putting them into her bag. She packed necessities she thought we would need and so did I.

With Monty's help I found some plants that were healthy and edible that I packed into my bag along with a few canteens of the water we collected last night. This would be a rough trip but I refuse to come back without Jasper.

Clarke and I sat in silence for a moment as we finished packing, I was still infuriated with Bellamy. I sighed and sat down in one of the seats resting my face in my hands as I groaned.

Clarke looked over at me. "What's going on?" She asked.

"I don't know what to do, Clarke. He wasn't like this before on the Ark. If he's really this scared of what Jaha will do when they come down then, he must've done something awful." I was almost in tears at this point. Clarke knew what we went through. She never met him herself but she knew everything. She even knew how I felt towards him. "I just want him to be okay but he's constantly trying to turn everyone against us." Now the tears were flowing. Clarke wrapped her arms around me.

"It'll be okay. We'll figure this out. We always do." I could hear Clarke's voice begin to crack. Almost as if she was about to cry as well.

All of a sudden the hatch opened and Wells stepped through. "There you are." He said as he climbed up. I looked down and began wiping the tears away.

Clarke began grabbing her stuff and I took that as a sign to do so as well. We stood up and as we brushed past Wells he spoke, "When my father said they didn't leave us anything, he really meant it." I walked around to the hatch.

I stood there waiting on Clarke as she continued shifting through things. Wells walked up to her and tapped her forearm to get her attention. She looked up at him but noticed the cut on his arm from when Murphy slashed him. She grabbed his arm and looked at him.

He shrugged her off, "It's just a scratch." he said.

"You're making friends fast." I muttered from over by the hatch. Wells looked at me and sighed before turning back to Clarke.

She looked at him. "Keep it covered. It could get infected."

I then noticed his back. I made eye contact with Clarke and stepped towards them, making my way to where Wells stood. "Nice pack." I made notice.

"Yeah, seat belts and insulation. I also packed part of the parachute, figured we could use it to carry out Jasper--" Clarke interrupted what Wells was saying.

"Good. Give it to someone else." Clarke said as she walked to the ladder. "You're not coming with us."

"My ankle's fine." Wells responded.

"It's not your ankle, Wells, It's you." Clarke told him as she ushered me down the ladder and followed. I landed on the bottom floor with a thump and looked over to see Monty checking the comms system.

He continued to push on. "You came back for reinforcements. I'm gonna help." He told her as he landed on his feet. I now stood between him and Monty.

"Clarke, he's right. We need him." Monty stepped forward. Desperation clouding his features. " So far no one else has volunteered."

I sighed before making eye contact with Clarke, a silent agreement passing between us. I tangled my hands through my long hair and walked towards the blonde haired girl, turning to face Monty.

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