Fog of War 2

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Part 2
Season 2
Episode 6, part 2
Jennifer Tanner

It had been quite a few hours since I had been left alone in my quarters and the place had been cleaned up to the best of my abilities with what I had. I mean it wasn't like I had a proper broom or duster to get rid of all the particles of dust dancing about in the light.

I grabbed a few broken picture frames that had been lying on the ground facedown. I took a moment to look over them before setting them back on the table they belonged.

One was a picture of my father and myself when I had just been brought home from the medical wing. He looked at me with such admiration and love. My heart hurt at the sight of it. The other picture was Clarke and I. We were probably six or seven years old, a chessboard sat between us and I was staring intently at the board, you could see the little gears in my mind pushing along as i tried to strategize my way to a win. However, Clarke was much more skilled at the game and her reaction was a little different. her blonde hair had been split down the middle into two pigtailed braids, her eyes were crinkled in the corners and she had looked like she had been giggling. I remember that play date, it was the most fun i had had as a child. Clarke was my only friend... my father had yet to introduce me to the Blake's so Bellamy and I only knew of each other.

The next picture was the one that hurt most of all, the frame and glass were safe and not shattered, almost as if it had been deliberately placed there after the Ark fell. I frowned at the somewhat familiar frame then flipped it around. My heart caught in my throat. It was the most recent picture that I had. It was merely hours before Jake Griffins death, and days before I had been locked away. It was a picture i didn't even know existed until now.

In the picture stood two people, one male, one female they were slow dancing. The man was tall with brown curly hair and a freckled face, he had a fit figure but wore a loose grey v neck and frazzled jeans. He had a goofy grin on his face and his pupils were dilated as he looked at the women, a look of pure love on his face. The woman looked to be much younger than the man but not any less attractive. Her long blonde hair rippled down her back in small waves and her normally piercing blue eyes were softened as she looked at the man she admired. She wore a light grey fitted sweater and black stretch pants. They looked amazing together. They look happy.

Bellamy Blake and Jennifer Tanner.


I lay on my bed in silence staring at the ceiling.

Finn? Finn killed all those people?

My mind swarmed with thoughts of everything we had done to get here, all the chaos Finn tried to calm. All the battles, every time he tried to stop us from going to war. Now, here we are. A murderer and his executioner. I didn't know what to do. I didn't stay long enough to hear what happened. I didn't need too. Abby told me it was a council meeting. But it wasn't. It was a sentencing. I'd rather know that if he died it was by their hands and not mine.

But what if they find him innocent? What if he spun the tale and made him out to be the good guy? What will you do then, Jen? Contact Lexa? Yeah good idea turning the whole of the Ark on you as soon as you're declared alive again.

I groaned and shoved my head into a pillow. "Why is this so hard!" i all but yelled into my pillow. I winced from the pain in my side and rolled back over onto my back. All of a sudden there was a light rapping on my door. I frowned and looked out the window. The stars speckled the night sky like freckles and i sighed. Who would be coming to see me so late? who else even really knew i was here? I mean, I don't think Finn saw me and it's not like I jumped to speak with him when my eyes found his face in the crowd of people.

Ste yuj.// Bellamy Blake Where stories live. Discover now