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Jennifer Tanner
Episode 6, Part 3

It was almsot dark and Xavier and I were walking through the woods. After he had calmed me down he told me I was free to go. The only problem I had was getting home. I had no idea where I was hence both of us being out here.

The tall trees surrounded us, casting eerie shadows on the cloudy evening as we trudged through the leaves and mud. It was silent almost the entire time. My hands writhed together as I tried to find a way to break the heavy nothingness that was deafening in its own way.

"Xavier?" I looked over at where he was paced next to me. His gaze looked up at me as he hummed in response. His bloodied and battered face matching mine. "Back there in the cave, that guy, he called me Trikova. You did too, when you found me yesterday on that hillside."

"Yeah.." Xavier confirmed as he looked up.

"What does it mean?" I whispered as I watched him carefully.

"Shadow." he stated simply. I frowned, confused as to why I would be called this. He must've noticed my confusion as he looked up at me carefully. "You've been watched, Jennifer. Since you landed you've been watched. The only problem, for some reason, no one could truly see your face. Not until you fell down the hill. You soon adopted the name Trikova."

I frowned again. I was a mystery to these people, but I was no more mysterious than the tall man that stood next to me. "Okay, why did that man think I was killing his men...." I trailed off before quietly adding to the end, "he is the first life I've ever taken."

Xavier tried to place a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Someone, I believe, has taken to using your new alias against you. They are killing off militias from Azgeda."

"But, how did that man know I was Trikova? If no one has ever seen me before? If no one has ever seen Trikova before?" I questioned again. It was all too confusing.

He let out a sigh and looked towards the sky, his rough jaw clenched in annoyance, but no so much to the point as he wouldn't answer my question. "I'm not sure. Maybe someone saw us in the woods when I brought you back. Word can sometimes get around fast in the coalition."

"The coalition? Azgeda? What does all this mean?"

"Another story for another time, Trikova." The name rolled off his tongue in sweet whispers and I couldn't help but smile at the sound of it.

"Such a mysterious name for such a normal girl." I observed as I walked a little ways ahead of him, my fingers brushing against trees, leaves, and branches. I turned to face him with a smile adorning my face, my feet continued to march backwards. "You know, I'm truly an open book." I told him lightly as I turned back around, the sight in front of me made my stomach drop.

Roma stood there, a spear jabbed in her chest and holding her against the tree I somehow ended up by. My jaw dropped and my hand covered my mouth.

"Did you know her?" Xavier asked from behind me. He placed his hand on the small of my back and peered around us cautiously. My hand slowly reached up towards the girls fear struck eyes. I slowly slid my fingers down her forehead and watched her eyelids trail after them.

"She was one of Bellamy's.... friends." I said quietly, not sure how to label her. "She would've done anything for him. She would've followed him to the ends of the earth."

"Friend?" Xavier seemed to have caught on. His head was tilted towards mine and his eyebrow was perked up. I shrugged my shoulders before turning around to face him.

We were closer than I thought. I sucked in a quiet breath as I realized how intimate our position was. Our chests pressed together, his arm was placed around my waist, his hand still resting on the small of my back. His head was still tilted towards mine and our breaths mixed in a flurry of warmth and gentleness as it fanned across our faces. His hazel eyes bore into mine with admiration and something else, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It wasn't until I realized we were both leaning towards each other that I quickly looked down. I closed my eyes and let out a breathy laugh before stepping back.

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