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hey guys...

not an update i'm sorry.

but i just felt the need to publish this because idk, i don't have many friends and i mean i love you guys and consider you distant friends even if we don't really talk.

now, if any of you read my Carl Grimes fanfiction when it was published in early 2016 than you may or may not know that my parents are divorced.

Now I moved in with my dad after 8-9 years, so august of 2015.

so, during the late winter of 2013 we got a pupper.
A full blooded red nosed pitty.

he was offered to us after he was born and of course we had to wait a certain amount of time before we could get him because he had to stay with his mother.

but i remember, when my neighbor asked us my mom immediately said no. but my stepdad and i begged her. we agreed to take care of him, love him, train him, and just be there for him.

my stepdad and i would do all the work.

and we did.

as he grew, he became the wise, calm, collected, and beautiful pit bull you see in the picture above.

I grew attached. My mom grew attached. My whole family did. He became our best friend. my best friend....

My little sister was a year old when we got him. For the last five years he has been her friend, her protector.

They always slept together. He never left her side when she was outside. They were two peas in a pod.

Nearly inseparable.

Today i woke up at 10:45 to my mom calling me. When I answered she was at work but crying hysterically.

My stepdad called her and told her that Moe had been hit by a car. They found him in the middle of the road in a small pool of his own blood, the car that hit him was nowhere to be seen.

I haven't stopped crying for hours.

i've never felt so heartbroken, and lost.

so i guess this story going on a hiatus was inevitable after all...

RIP my precious baby boy.

May we meet again❤️

Ste yuj.// Bellamy Blake Where stories live. Discover now