On Hold

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hey guys, it's coming to the end of the school year so i've been super focused with work and finals and a bunch of other shit.

Sooooo, i have to put this story on hold.

I hate doing this especially when i am now 3 chapters behind but i am also extremely blocked. trust me it took me three weeks to make this decision. I do have plans for the ending of this season i just can't figure out how to execute them.

so here's what's gonna happen:

i'm hoping in the next few days i will be able to get the next chapter up for you as i am slowly figuring out how i want to end it. hell, it may be up tonight if i get inspired enough. But after that i will be taking a short break until June 8th. this date is specific because i will be out of school ab a week before then and for three days a group of my friends and i are going camping. i am hoping that a new change of scenery can help me through this stupid block that way i can continue updating and not hate every chapter.

BUT, I have a small piece of season 5 already mapped out and i am going to give you a quick sneak peak, and let your minds wander through the possibilities. (hopefully this makes up for being so inactive and horrible)

I hope you guys stick with me even after this short hiatus, and i love you guys thank you so much for 1k and have a great end of your school year (if you're still in school) and i will see you this summer.

now without further ado, I present to you, the prologue for season 5 Episode 1 of Praimfaya:

"Bellamy, it's been six years since you left. I don't know if you can hear this, or if you can hear Clarke when she talks to you. We haven't heard from you and the others since Praimfaya. The Earth has been inhabitable for a year now. I'm almost giving up hope that you will come home. I've almost given up hope that you can even hear me."

I let go of the button on the radio, and looked up to see the small child running around in the pasture below me. Clarke and Maddie watched her with smiles on their faces as she fell into a small circle of wildflowers. I smiled too. I wiped the stray tear from my face as Clarke looked up at me. She would always take the two kids away when I wanted to talk to Bellamy. I was grateful for it.

I hated it when Aurora saw me in my weak moment. She was only five but boy did she remind me so much of her father. Her chocolate brown eyes matched his perfectly. Her hair was a mixture of mine and his. Blonde and curly. She was slightly tan with a face full of freckles and a smile that would make anybody melt. She was my baby. She was ours.

Clarke and I made eye contact before she sent me a small comforting smile. I returned it before pressing the button and speaking again.

"Aurora is five now. She's gotten so big. I wish you could be here to see her. She looks exactly like you. She's beautiful. She's strong. Just like her father. She thinks the world of you. She's never even met you and she thinks you're the biggest hero of the Earth and skies."

I let go of the button, this time tears streamed down my face heavily.

"I miss you, Bell. Come home soon. Aurora is so excited to meet her father. We love you. I... I love you."

(btw Praimfaya is the name of the actual book that this scene and season will take place in.)

Ste yuj.// Bellamy Blake Where stories live. Discover now