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Jennifer Tanner
Episode 10, Part 1

I walked out of the water tent, a bucket of clean water in one hand, two cloths in the other. "Hey." I jumped, surprised at the sudden voice. 

"Shit." I sighed as the some of the water sloshed out of the bucket and ran down the side of my right leg.

"Oh, sorry." I looked up to see Bellamy standing beside me, a gun wrapped around his shoulders as usual since we brought them back. He was attempting to hide the smile on his face. His apology was compeletly insincere.

I rolled my eyes and set the bucket down at my feet before grabbing one of the cloths and attempting to dry my thigh off. "Yeah, whatever." I said, slightly annoyed at his pleased response to me spilling water all over myself. 

When he didn't say anything I looked up to see him staring at me. "Staring is rude." I told him with a quirked eyebrow. He quickly looked away and shuffled on his feet as he cleared his throat.

He looked down at my calf. "How's the leg?" He asked as I reached down to pick the bucket back up. 

"Well, Doc says I'll live." I said jokingly as I started making my way to mine and Octavia's shared tent.

Last night, after the Exodus ship crashed, Bellamy and I went to tell Clarke. Her reaction was what I expected it would be. She froze, then attempted to busy herself with work. So, she fixed up my leg the best she could before going back to working on Xavier. 

He is stable and he's been resting in my tent. He hasn't woken since he lost consciousness on the bridge, but his breathing was steady and I had no doubt he would make it through this. 

Bellamy sighed and turned to me as we stopped outside my tent, "Listen, Jen, I just wanted to tell you that-"

I shook my head and placed the heavy bucket at my feet once again, rolling my eyes, I spoke. "Don't. After yesterday, I'm not even worried about an apology." I ran a hand through my hair. 

He sighed, "I just, overreacted and I feel like an apology is much needed." 

I nodded my head before standing on my tiptoes and kissing his cheek. "Well, if that's what you feel, then apology excepted."

He beamed at that but his smile quickly dropped. "Have you talked to Clarke or Finn since last night?" He asked me, growing serious. 

I shook my head. "No, neither one of them will even look in my direction." I whispered as realization hit me. "Wow, I must've really screwed up yesterday on the bridge." I said quietly. 

He scoffed, "You think? You tried to give yourself up and for what? That was an immediate suicide mission." He began to get angry, I knew this moment was going to come. I guess this was just the only free chance he had in his busy schedule to scorn me. Before I could interrupt he continued. "I mean, what would make you think that they would even accept that?  Why would she want to immediately..." He trailed off as the reason hit him like a ton of bricks, "This is about you being in danger, you tried to tell me aout it and I completely blew you off." 

He groaned and threw his had back in anger at himself. "God, I'm so stupid." He berated.

I gave him a small smile and shook my head. "It's okay, honestly, the less you guys knew the better."

"Do you still want to talk about it?" He asked cautiously, almost as if he thought I would break just thinking about it. "I mean, last night you said we'd talk today."

I nodded my head, "Yeah, we will." 

He nodded his head, "Well, we can talk about it on the way to the exodus ship." 

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