Fog of War

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Part 2
Season 2,
Episode 6,
3rd Person

"Okay, tell me again." The dark, curly haired man said.

"It's a labyrinth. We got to the dam through this tunnel. It's all connected to the mine system. That's our way in." The blonde girl explained.

Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake were sitting at a table discussing strategy on how to get the other, forty-seven, delinquents out of a place called Mount Weather.

"Sure, if we can get past the Reapers and the Mountain Men." Bellamy added. The Mountain Men controls the Reapers and uses them as superhuman soldiers after experimentation and torture. Bellamy took a deep breath and sat back in his chair. "I swear to God, if your mom doesn't sanction a mission soon... I'm going by myself." The man stated.

"You won't be by yourself." Clarke told him in confidence. Although, little did the pair know who was at Finn's inquisition at that moment.

Jennifer Tanner
12 hours earlie

My eyes shot open and I sat up quickly, hard breaths escaping my lungs. My eyes quickly began to take in my surroundings as I stood up a bit too quickly. I stumbled and ran into a table, knocking everything onto the floor in the process.

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath as I quickly took in the small area. There were curtains hanging and medical beds placed strategically around the room.

"Abby! She's awake!" A familiar voice hollared. I followed the voice rather quickly until I saw a tall man standing in the door way, he had curly hair and a kind smile.

"Jackson?" I whispered as I balanced my body against a bed that was two down from mine. Jackson smiles and slowly steps forward. He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me back to my bed.

"Jen, you need to lay down. You're not fully healed." He said to me as he gently sat me on the bed.

"Jackson, you.. you're alive." I smiled at him as i put my hand to his cheek. I just needed to make sure this was real. I slowly looked around and actually took in my surroundings. It was the medical bay from the Ark. Then it hit me. "Wait, did you say-" My head snapped to the right when I heard light footsteps coming down the corridor. A minute passed by and are dark haired woman walked through the doorway, "-Abby." I let out a light laugh as she quickly walked up to me and embraced me.

"Jennifer." She put her hand on my head holding me close, just as though i would disappear. My thoughts were the same. She pulled away and brushed the stray hairs from my face. "What happened? I had to fix a botched gunshot... it was infected, Jen. You were going septic. You could've died. You barely made it to the gate and they almost shot you again, you were dressed like a grounder."

I sighed. i couldn't tell her about what had happened. I had a few questions myself. "Theres a small grounder village not to far from here. They were attacked. over a dozen of them died. They were shot. Only the Ark has guns. What happened?" I responded with a question, in hopes my attempt at dodging would be successful.

It hadn't worked as well as I'd hoped. "Jennifer, you were dying. I wasted many rescources to keep you alive. It's a good thing I'm acting Chancellor. That wouldn't have gone down well if it were someone else. So, the least we deserve is an explanation.

I sighed. "I don't really know how long it's been, weeks maybe, but..." I explained to them the story starting with right before the grounder attack, "...Bellamy, he uh... He didn't...." I stopped and quickly choked back the tears. "I was dragged away by a grounder after that, I got caught in the crossfire. The grounder took me to some camp, I don't know where, they had a bag over my head. They held me captive for an uknown amount of time. I was tortured and beaten, I cauterized the gunshot with a metal prison bar and a candle..." I looked at Abby and Jackson sadly, "I had to do something, the bleeding wouldn't stop."

"You definitely saved your life, but you almost killed yourself in the process. Good on youfor defying the laws of life." Jackson said with a small smile. I knew he was trying to lighten the mood and he's right.

"Okay, my story is done. Your turn, who comitted mass murder at a grounder camp?" I asked again.

Abby looked at me skeptically. "We're having a meeting soon, those of us left in the council. You can join and we'll discuss it then."

I nodded my head slowly not wanting to seem too eager to find out as to not draw too much suspicion. A few hours later i had been shown to my room, surprisingly enough it was my fathers quarters, things were a little scattered about from the fall and the place look like a wreck but i didn't mind.

"Sorry it's still a mess, none of us expected..." Abby trailed off, she gave me a tight smile before clasping her hands together in front of her, "well, we didn't want to disturb anything, we figured it be best if you did it."

I gave her a grateful smile, "It's fine, it gives me something to do until the meeting later."

"Take it easy, you are still suffering from a gunshot wound." Abby chided as she opened the door and stepped out. "I'll come for you before we start." With that she was gone and i was left in a room full of scattered and broken memories.

I sighed and kicked a bucket that was near my foot. I hate cleaning.


Wow, long time no freaking see guys... i'm sorry i've sucked, but i'm stuck in quarantine for now and figured i've got nothing better to do🤷🏼‍♀️ although just like Jen i need to clean😬 but i hate it just as much 😂 anyways, i'm sorry it's been such a long time and i genuinely hope you guys are still around to checkout the rest of jennifer's story

love ya❤️

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