The Arrest.

177 8 1

Jennifer Tanner


Jennifer awoke in the medical ward, she wasn't sure how she got there. She tried to sit up but winced in pain as she sat back down. Her head pounded and when she lifted her hand to the back of her head she felt stitches. 

"Take it easy, Jen." Abby Griffin walked up to the young girl and gave her tight lipped smile before handing her a glass of water. 

"What happened?" She asked. "How did I get here? How logn have I been here?" She was highly confused and hoped that Abby could give her the answers she wanted.

"Well," She began as she checked my eyes, "Mr. Blake rushed you here three days ago. He said that he was walking the hall when he heard you shout. When he got to you he told me that you must have tripped. Hit your head pretty hard." She took my pulse and as she finished she looked up at me. "You had to get three stitched in the back of your head but other than that you have a mild concussion. Meaning, take it easy." She scolded before turning around, "You can leave though." She said quickly. 

"Wait, three days?" The blonde asked. 

"Yes. Happy Birthday, Jennifer." Abby said as she placed a kiss on the girl's forehead.

The girl smiled before carefully sliding off the mattress and making her way towards home to Clarke. She was fifteen now. Clarke was also fifteen but she was a couple months older than Jennifer. As she turned the corner she ran into someone. She jumped back a little. Her head screamed at the movement but she ignored it.

"Sor-" She cut her apology off as she looked up at the twenty year old boy who stood in front of her. He wore a janitor jumpsuit and his black hair was slicked back. Freckles lined his nose and cheeks and brown eyes bore into her's with a mixture of sadness and happiness.

While Jennifer had been in the med bay, Bellamy decided to distract himself by taking his little sister to the masquerade party.Things went wrong though. She was found out. They arrested her and floated their mother. He was then demoted to janitor. Only because he mentioned Jennifer. She had kept him from getting killed and she hadn't even been there. But she had an influence with the council

"Bellamy?" The now fifteen year old girl whispered as she took in his appearance. Shock written all over her face. "What happ-"

"Jennifer Tanner?" She turned around to see five guards standing in the hall behind Her. Bellamy frowned before stepping in front of her in a protective manner. 

"That's me." The girl said caustiously as she put a hand on Bellamy, warning him to back down. She knew that whatever he had done must not have been good. She couldn't let him get into more trouble.

"Turn around and place your hands behind your head." The front guard said as he began walking towards her. Her eyes widened and she could feel Bellamy's eyes on her in confusion. 

She whipped around and grabbed Bellamy, hugging him quickly. He wrapped his arms around her waist in desperation. He just lost his mother and sister and now he was losing the girl he had fallen in love with. "Bellamy, I'm so sorry. I-" She was cut off again as the officer ripped her away from him.

"Jennifer!" He shouted as he tried to reach out for her but a guard stepped between them. 

"I wouldn't do it ,boy. This time she won't be able to save your life." He growled with a hand on the young man's chest.

"Bellamy!" She cried as she struggled against them. She knocked a guard away and caused the other to stumble. It gave her just enough time to wrench herself from their grips and in seconds she was back in Bellamy's arms. "Bell," She whispered, "I'm sorry. I love you." 

Bellamy froze. He wanted to say it back. He didn't know how she meant it though. They always told each other that but this time it seemed different. It seemed like it meant something completely different. But if he took it out of context then it could ruin everything. But if she was floated before he could say it back she would never know how he truly felt. 

Before he could respond she pulled away from him, giving him a sad smile before turning around and allowing the officers to take her to her cells. It would be weeks before they could see each other again. If they'd even be able too.

What did she do?


Helloo lovelies,

Sorry, this chapter is more of a filler to see how she got arrested. What with it being the holidays I couldn't exactly write very much and this is a last minute chapter that I threw together within the last hour or so for you guys, so I hope you enjoyed the little scene there. I apologize if there are any mistakes.


Thank you all so much for your patience. Comment and tell me how your holidays went with your family, tell me what you did if you had fun, and Happy holidays to all. 

Anywayyys my lovely criminals,


P.s. I have chosen Teresa Palmer as the new faceclaim for Jennifer.

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