Best Unity Day Ever.

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Jennifer Tanner
Episode 9, Part 1

Jennifer was being escorted by Aurora and Bellamy. They were heading to the place where Jennifer's father would be executed and Jennifer was still extremely confused as to why he was about to be floated in the first place. She was only nine years old but she was a smart girl and as far as she knew her father hadn't broken any laws. The young girl let out a small sigh as she trudged through the hallway.

Aurora noticed the small child's actions and quickly placed a hand of comfort on her shoulder. Aurora knows what it was like when she lost her mother, and Kyler has been her best friend since they were children. This would be hard for the both of them. Just worse for the small, blonde tyke.

The trio walked down the corridor in silence. Dreading the events that were to come in only a few short moments. When all of a sudden a group of adults rushed past them. Two nearly knocked Jennifer to the floor, but young Bellamy was quick to react. He threw his arms out and steadied his adolescent friend.

There were loud calls of protest and angry cries coming from a large crowd down he corridor behind the three citizens. They all looked between each other in confusion before a voice echoed through a bullhorn.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please calm down and peacefully proceed to your designated locations." A guard member stood by the window the crowd had gathered around. He was attempting to settle their anger and cognitive states of mind. All though he did not seem to be succeeding as the three innocents listened to people shout out at him.

"Was that a pod launched?"

"What's happening?" 

"Are we going to the ground?"

The shouts continued as Aurora listened intently. Her heart stuttered and she smiled lightly. "Mom?" He head snapped to her son as he looked at her in confusion. "Why would they launch a pod?" He asked curiously.

Aurora shook her head. "I don't know, Honey." She lied as she looked down at little Jennifer who looked more confused than anything.

"It was a test, there was no one on the pod and we are not sending anyone to Earth." The guard reassured the angered crowd. "Now please, exit the corridor." He intstructed.

Aurora grabbed Jennifer's hand. "Come on, Sweetie. Your dad is waiting for you." 

Then they walked off, no one having a second thought about the mysterious, empty pod, that dropped to Earth the day Kyler Anderson died.


I stood alone as Jaha's voice echoed through the camp. It was Unity Day and the Ark was broadcasting from the sky. It was apparently a very important Unity Day due to the fact that the rest of the Ark was coming to Earth. The day we reunite with our long lost home.

I quickly wiped at my eyes and looked up to the sky. My face was still slightly bruised from the multiple beatings I had recieved a week ago. Yeah, it's been a week. It's been a week since Bellamy and I brought guns into camp, and it's been a week since he's completely shut me out of his life. 

I sighed and thought about my Father's remains. It was somewhere in space floating around, or maybe it had reached Earth's atmosphere and it rocketed to the ground in a fiery blaze. It was a good way for him to go out. In a fiery blaze. I chuckled at the thought and closed my eyes. A small smile on my face as I quietly whispered, "May we meet again, Dad." 

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