Thank You

200 14 7

Jennifer Tanner
Episode 3, Part 4

I walked next to Atom as we entered the camp, my head hung low. The tears continued to drip from my eyes as I thought of the many ways I could've saved both of us. Or at least him. I also continuosly thought of Octavia and how she would react. I mean her and Atom did have a fling. She really liked him too, and she was going to blame his death on Bellamy, when it was my fault.

I stopped next to Bellamy after he set Atom down, and he entertwined our fingers. i didn't try to stop him. I needed the comfort. "Get Clarke whatever she needs." He told one of the deliquents. I saw him give a slight nod before walking away. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Wells, I gave him a tight lipped smile and he returned it, his eyes showing concern. I nodded a little silently telling him I was going to be okay. Hid hed then turned to Bellamy.

"I better go get this grave dug." And just like that he was gone. I then felt a quick tight squeeze on my hand before Bellamy pulled away and stepped forward a little. I looked up to see Octavia coming this way and my heart dropped to my stomach.

"It's about time. They're gonna kill Jasper." She walked up to Clarke. "Did you get the medicine."

Clarke looked over at me, then back to Octavia. "Yeah, I got it. Come on, let's go talk." Clarke tried to pull her into the drop ship but she pulled away and walked over to us. 

"Octavia, just stay there." She kept walking. "Please, stay back." I continued to look away. Knowing I wouldn't be able to look at her without bursting into tears.

"Jen? Are you alright?" Bellamy tried to hold her back but she pushed against him. "Why? Bell. Stop." She walked past him and up to me. "Jen, what's going on?"

Finally, I looked up at her. The courage fading almost as quickly as it came. "O. O, I am so sorry." I whispered as I could feel myself breaking again. Bellamy looked as though he wanted to move, as though he wanted to hold me and comfort me. But he stayed where he was and watched the scene unfold.

Octavia looked at me in confusion before Atom finally hit her eyes, She bent down next to his lifeless body and removed the jacket from over his face. "Atom." She whispered. tears were building in her eyes as she looked at the boy whom she had grown to like.

I went to say something, anything but Bellamy beat me to it. "There was nothing I could do."

"Don't." Octavia spit out with a raised hand. She sat there and cried for another moment before covering Atom back up and standing.

"O, O, please." Bellamy tried to stop her but she wouldn't let him. 

"Don't." I watched helplessly as Octavia ran back into the drop ship. I let out a deep breath and walked over to Bellamy. 

"Bell, why-" I got cut off by him as Murphy walked up. 

"Did you lose anyone here?" He asked Murphy as his arm snake it's way around my waist. He pulled me into his side and I looked at him bewildered. He must've needed the comfort because this is not something he would normally do. I took my hand and rested it on top of his, giving it a gentle squeeze.

Murphy looked at our physical exchange an emotion crossed his features before it dissapeared and he answered the question. "No."

"Jasper?" Bell questioned.

"Still breathing. Barely. I tried to take him out, but your psycho little sister wouldn't let me, because your mental Princess--"

I've never seen Bellamy move so quickly. In second his arm had been removed from my waist and he had Murphy by the collar. "My what?"

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