I knew it when I met you I wasn't gonna let you run away..

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N: I understand but, I need it. For real. My interview is tomorrow and I have to prepare. - I said as I was breathing heavily into the phone after running from one job to another. The phone in my other hand was buzzing.. Another important call. I kept thinking if I only survive this day (and tomorrow!) it will be alright. I just have to make it through today. It's like people knew when you had a stressful day and they all decide to call, text, email or just need you that day. 

E: Really? – I hear him laugh lightly on the other end - Could you be any more prepared? I think you know her story better than she does.

He was probably right. Petter called in sick for the week, so I got his assignement. I spent the whole day yesterday in the office researching. I read all three of her books, saw and read a couple of her interviews. I probably knew her very well by now, but I could always know more hehe. 

N: Please Eric. I can't screw this up. This is my make it or break it moment.

E: Listen to you with the American frazes..

N: Ah I give up. See you at the office. - I was ready to hang up. My energy battery was awfully low, it has been a long day, I had not eaten a proper meal all day and coffee wasn't helping anymore. I just wanted to do this and go and meet Hannah for dinner and drinks. 

E: No Noora, I'm kidding.. I'll email it to you.

N: Thank you – smiled relived. This is going to be good. It would be great to finally be a regular at the production. I want the stability but, also the freedom that this job would provide me. It's definitely one of my dream jobs. I know I am young but, if I prove myself.. and finish that Masters in May. Maybe. Ahh fingers crossed.

E: You welcome. See you tomorrow.

N: Bye Eric

E: Bye.

Now to Brooklyn. I am meeting Hannah for dinner and drinks at a new restaurant her friend opened last week. I couldn't join them on the opening since I was in Atlanta working so we are going tonight.

Hannah is British and we met in collage in London, when I lived there with William. Later she moved to Nyc and I back to Oslo but, we always kept in touch. Now since we are both here we see each other regularly. We also have our little group of friends Eddie (her bf), Matthew, James, Amelia, Andrew and Emily. 

Where did I write that address she texted me? Was it on my private phone or work phone? I really should syncronize them soon. I'll ask Matt tonight... maybe tomorrow -

I was standing in the hotel lobby while fumbling with my two phones.


I freeze. 

My name perfectly pronounced.

The once favorite sound of mine was echoing in the silent, dimly lit lobby.

As I turn around carefully a pair of perfect hazel eyes that I once could not live without were burning into my core. Like they used to do many many years ago in a city far far away from here.


My William.

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