If it means nothing to you, why do you sing with me at all?

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E: Good morning.

N: Morning - I walked into the kitchen where she was sitting on the breakfast counter, on her iPad and sipping coffee.

E: I didn't hear you get in last night?

N: Ehm... It got late so I stayed at Selena and Eriks. - I was pouring myself a cup of coffee - Where is Thomas?

E: He went biking with Knut. How was the party?

N: Fun.

E: Fun?

N: Yeah. Fun. Why? - I was sitting down opposite her

E: And William?

N: - got a little stressed - What about him?

E: Nothing. Just you had fun together since he was the one who picked you up and I imagine all your friends were there?

N: Oh yeah. I really didn't see him much, you know a lot of people, crowded.

E: So who else was there?

My phone rang. Again. It was him. I was looking at my phone. Shit.

E: You look like you've seen a ghost.

Then her phone rang. Thankfully! She answered hers. I went to the bathroom to get ready for our day. Since I was leaving in two days we had planned to spend the day together, all day just the two of us. We were gonna take the bikes out to Huk then have lunch at Tjuvholmen. As I was putting on mascara my mind was drifting off to last night and a certain hazel-eyed boy.


N: You and I were real right. We really were in love. It wasn't just in my head. I mean I am going crazy here. 

He was silent, all the while looking at me.

N: Tell me it wasn't just in my head.

W: It wasn't just in your head, Noor.

N: I mean I know we were just kids. But, the way I felt... when I was with you. No one has ever, even come close.

W: I know.


As we were about to go out of the apartment my phone rang again. Since it was on the commode in the hallway she saw it.

E: 15 missed calls from William?!?

N: - quickly snatched the phone to me -

E: Why don't you answer him?

N: I will... later.

E: Noora, what's going on? - she was giving me a sisters concerned and puzzled look. I looked at her and couldn't hold it in any longer. I was gonna explode.

E: Nooooora - she said a little more quite and questionable now

I kept looking at her. Fuck! I sighed heavily.

N: I was with William last night.

E: Wha... what does that imply?

N: Seriously?

E: I just want to make sure I got it right.

N: We slept together.

E: Shit! Where?

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