How can I stand here and not be moved by you...

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Wow, I thought when I got into the car and he told me we were going to Hvalstrand. I haven't been there since we were together. Being new to the Oslo scene I didn't even know about it until he took me once. And with time it became our spot for serious and heavy talks and discussions.

We had been to Kragerø at his families holiday home for the weekend. Just the two of us enjoying each other and the first sign of Norwegian summer. On our way back to Oslo we bought kebabs and decided to make a stop on Hvalstrand.

We had talked and joked the whole weekend that if we got married it would be cool to move to England and have our own Bed&Breakfast. When he lived in London and I came to visit, we would take the car and drive to the countryside and stay at B&Bs' along the way. We loved them. Especially the ones in Cotswolds. The whole place was like heaven on earth, the small houses, the narrow streets, the local shops, the friendly people. It was just magical.

W: But, all joking to side this time, could you see yourself being married to me? For real?

N: Honestly, yes. And it totally freaks me out to know that. And to admit that.

W: Why?

N: I don't know. Because it makes it more true. And it's so scary to feel like that. We are so young, we have so much more to figure out about life and love and each other.. I ...

W: Nor, I am not asking you to marry me. 

N: - looked at him stunned, but relieved. Of course, he wasn't.. why am I freaking out?

W: I mean don't get me wrong, I absolutely think I will one day.

N: But, that is not today.

W: That is not today.

N: - smiled widely and threw myself over him, our noses touching – You amaze me

W: Yeah?

N: Every day – he was smiling w/o teeth as we were looking into each other's eyes - and Thank you

W: For what?

N: For everything.. for being who you are, for loving me, for this perfect weekend, for trying to prolong this perfect weekend by stopping at this beautiful beach that has, by the way, become our spot for serious talks hehe. For the perfect words you say, for existing, for everything.

W: Wow that's a lot of fors'

N: - laughed – Ass – hit him on the arm gently, teasingly

W: - smiled widely - For you, always and everything – we smiled and kissed. – And by the way, I think you have your wedding vows right there.

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The summer was making its debut, but still, the Scandinavian breeze was always present. We found a secluded spot on a bench underneath the trees, overlooking the ocean. This was by far the most beautiful place in the Oslo-area. I wasn't sure if it was because of the view, nature, the calmness or the memories I shared with the man beside me. 

It was so surreal that we were here now, again, the two of us. We said goodbye many years ago why can't we seem to let go. I am all for friendships between past lovers but, I don't think that is the true intention of neither of us. Also, some relationships just can't become friendships no matter how badly you want them too.

W: I don't know where to start.

N: Wherever you want..

W: At the time when I met Bridget at Harvard she was exactly what I needed in life. With Charlottes passing, the drugs and losing you I arrived in Boston pretty lost and out of shape. She had her feet firmly on the ground, a five-year plan and a clear vision what she wanted out of life. Everything I didn't have. She was, prospect itself with capital letters. So her determination was vital for me, it helped me keep focus and move forward. – he stopped and turned to me.

I looked up at him.

N: Go on...

W: We had talked about marriage, but I never felt it was the right time. There was always something. So we kept postponing it. Then one day she said she was tired of waiting and it was now or never and she purposed... I... 

N: Wait a sec. She purposed to you?

W: Yeah.

N: Wow.

W: Yeah. She was tired of waiting for me to come around.

N: But you said yes? - I was stating more than I was asking.

W: I did. And it wasn't until she asked that I realized how much of an asshole I had been to her in this whole process. I could never give her my all and fully commit because I was still holding on to the hope of someone else. And that wasn't fair to her. So I promised myself I would be more present, more involved and a more attentive... and better boyfriend.

N: Bu...

W: And a month later I met you again. - he interrupted me

N: Ouu - is all I managed to say. Like that answered all questions, in reality, that just raised more questions. He was looking at me when I looked up to meet his gaze.

W: Yeah Ouu... These last couple of months we have been in touch and talked have changed everything. I realized I wasn't happy where I was. I am focused and all, but I don't need nor want the five-year plan anymore. It's not the way I want to live my life. On a straight line, someone else drew out for me. I want to go back to the basics, to the ordinary chill lifestyle I once used to lead. Without the partying and drugs maybe. - smiled a little.

N: But this is only months apart.. you saying yes to someones' proposal and wanting to be a better boyfriend and then the next month you have realized that's not what you want. I mean you're like the wind changing directions. What happened?

W: You happened. - he said sincerely - I never thought I would ever see you again, and if I did I didn't think you would want to have anything to do with me, let alone let me into your life again.

N: Is that also why you didn't tell me about the engagement?

W: Bridgets dad had a heart attack and was in the hospital so we promised we weren't gonna tell anyone until he was up and in full recovery.

N: Is he ok?

W: He is good now. Got out of the hospital just in time for Christmas. But... yes, the other half of it was because we were just having so much fun. The selfish part of me didn't want to let that go.

N: I know the feeling.

He looked at me and we smiled at each other.

W: Why do you think that is?

N: What? That we can't let go of each other? I have no idea. And I am afraid to speculate.

He smiled a little and turned to look straight ahead at the ocean.

W: I am sorry I didn't say anything.

N: I am sorry that it is true. - I said quietly, he turned back to look at me. Our eyes met and we were gazing at each other now, saying everything without saying anything.

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