It hit me at the stroke of midnight..

982 15 0

Oslo, March 2017


I walk into the apartment. My God. You would think there were ten people living here. We probably have shoes in here that could cloth up our whole building, maybe even with two pairs. I heard Eskild in the kitchen. Has he picked up someone at work again? Haha.

N: Eskild how many times do I have to repeat it - I was shouting - you have to start putting your shoes in the shoe closet... that's wh... - stopped in my tracks when I walked into the kitchen. At our kitchen table were Eskild and WILLIAM.

I was lost for words. And voice because nothing was happening. My lips weren't moving, my feet were stuck to the floor, I was experiencing a brain freeze and my eyes only on him. I wanted to hug him and hold him and scream, but my feet just wouldn't move. 

W: Hi

N: What are you doing here? - said in disbelief

W: Can we talk?

E: - got up - I'll leave you two alone - gave me a comforting smile and brushed my arm as he walked past me

N: - looked back at William - Yes... of course.

W: Not here. Maybe we can go out for a walk - he got up

N: A little walk - I tried for humor. He smiled with his eyes.

That was it. I couldn't hold myself any longer so I took two steps forward and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his head into my hair. We both held on tight as he was kissing my head.

N: Hii

W: Hii baby. 

It was all gonna be alright now

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It was all gonna be alright now. I was in Williams' arms again. That's all I need. That's all I'll ever need for the rest of my life. 

We parted but kept holding each other in the embrace.. smiling like we were in a Colgate commercial. He leaned in and we kissed. First a light, soft and sweet kiss then he took my face in his hands and pulled me closer like I was the air he needed to breathe. I felt the same. The whole of me felt the same. 

When we managed to pull apart.

N: You still want to take that walk? - smiled flirty

W: Yes.

N: No.. I thought you were gonna say no. We don't need any walk now, we can just stay here. - tried the flirty smile again

W: Don't you sleep on the floor in Eskilds room?

N: No! - said matter of factly - Isak and Even are in Barcelona so I have his room this week. - said proudly. He smiled cutely at me.

W: Awww.. you have your own room. That's cute.

N: Shut up! - hit him on his arm, he laughed

W: No.. but, I want to show you something.

N: Okay...

W: Seriously.. go get your coat.

N: Okay bossy.

And we walked.. hand in hand. William Magnusson and I in March in Oslo. We had never done that before. I loved it. We didn't even notice the cold breeze or the icy streets beneath our shoes. We walked over Damstredet, through the Vår Frelsers graveyard, down to the Slottsplassen and to Frogner.. and we stopped outside of a building in Niels Juels gt. 

I looked at him with raised eyebrows and a semi-smile..:, What's this?"

W: Come on... I'll show you.. - and we stepped into the backyard, turned the corner, in to the first building and up to the 3rd floor. He took out the keys and we stepped inside.

Wow. It was a beautiful apartment. So clean and neat. Everything was in its perfect place. No shoes everywhere. It didn't have much furniture though

W: What do you think? 

N: It's beautiful. But, what is it?

W: It's my new apartment.

N: You bought this? - shocked

W: This morning

N: Omg. That means your moving back - I jumped on him. My Gosh! This day really can't get any better now. He held me and smiled, happy to see me that happy. 

W: Not exactly. 

N: What's not exactly? 

W: First can I make a proposition?!

N: William!

W: No, Noor just hear me out. We go out and get some food or order in which ever you want and we spend tonight here, in each other's arms, just watching the fire and being together and tomorrow we can talk.

N: William. It doesn't work like that.

W: Please Noor. I haven't seen you in almost five months. My heart is aching for you. My body is in desperate need of your closeness. Please, let's just enjoy tonight and tomorrow I promise first thing in the morning we will have the talks. About everything and we can talk for days if we need too. 

I smiled at that. Who can resist him and then on top of everything when he says things like that. Hearts aching and desperate need of my closeness. Ahh. Haven't we already established that you have lost all battles to this man Noora. 

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