Each breath you take is mine...

911 14 3

At the party, William and I were mingling with people, but all evening checking in with each other, how the other one was doing, who was boring us, how the food was and a little gossip hehe. There were a lot of people there I hadn't seen in years, our entire old crew almost was making their presence. It was so cool to see them all and mingle.

W: God, she is beautiful!

Sander: Who? - turned to William then looked up to where he was looking - Oh! Of course. - smiled when he saw Noora, then got back to his plate of finger-food, seconds later he looked back at William - What's going on with you and Bridget? Will you be able to get out of that?

W: I don't know. I've engaged some lawyers to look at it.

S: Not using Oscars?

W: Nooo. Can't do that. He doesn't know anything and I'll keep it that way until I figure things out.

S: Smart. 

W: And if he asks you... 

S: I know. I don't know anything.

W: Thanks!

S: But until then, have fun... go have yourselves a dance. - he nodded towards Noora - just tell me which song you wanna hear?!

William smiled. 

Noora then came to stand before him, all smiles and shines

N: Hey you

W: Hey you

N: Wanna dance?

W: Always - smiled widely

Noora smiled back and we went dancing to some Spanish beats that were playing. She was singing loud and happy. I was in trance, by this astonishing creature standing before me, by her voice, by her imperfect Spanish, by her beautiful eyes and adorable smile. I was hypnotized by her, totally and utterly hypnotized, as I was that day at Nissen many years ago.

And all I could think about was how badly I wanted to kiss her. 

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