I never made promises lightly.. and there have been some that I have broken..

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Christmas I spent with friends in Nyc.

It was never my Holiday. Even when I was younger and spent it with my family, it was odd. I always felt out of place. When I moved to Madrid I did fly home for Christmas because it was expected of me. In Oslo I celebrated it with Eva and her family. Eventually, when William and I started dating we would travel on vacation for the Holiday since none of us had "any family".  It would be somewhere on a beach, Mojito or white wine in hand and just the two us.

William texted me wishing me a Merry Christmas. I was wondering where he was. Because he had no family in Oslo he was close to and Oscar was in London. Bridgets family is here in the States so. Maybe they're here? Would he have called if he was here? Would he have wanted to have dinner? I think so... so why isn't he calling then if he is here? I replied him.

N: "Merry Christmas. Remember how we used to be loners and spend Xmas'es on beaches around the globe."                                                                                                                                                            W: "Still my favo X-mas'es."

I smiled the rest of the evening because of that text. :) No matter what happened between us or what will happen we will always have our memories. And sometimes they are so powerful I can live with them for days. :)

On January 3rd when I got back home I remembered I hadn't replied him on the Happy New Year text.

N: "Happy New Year! :)"

W: "Wow. Must have been quite a party."

N: "Hæ?"

W: "Since it took you three days to reply."

N: "Haha. I was in London and my US number always gets f.. up when overseas."

W: "Why were you in London?"

That's none of your business I thought at first.

N: "Working."

W: "For New Years?"

N: "Around New Years. On New Years I gave myself permission to party."

W: "You had a good time?"

N: "Good enough. You?"

W: "Just dinner at home with friends."

N: "Sounds adult."

W:" That's me. All adult."

Couple minutes later

W: "I am in NYC next week. Want to have dinner?"

N: "Yes" – I said without thinking.

Oh Wow. But, whatever I want to.

W: "Great. I'm arriving on Sunday. I can text you."

N: "Great."

Next week at Babbo

The conversation was flowing, we were smiling, joking, laughing.. at complete ease with each other. Like two old friends. Suddenly Williams phone rings and keeps on ringing.

W: Sorry it's Oscar. I gotta take it. - he was already getting up from the table

N: It's fine. - I smiled like "you-gotta-do-what-you-gotta-do"

He came back two minutes later

W: He says Hi - he said as he was sitting back down

N: Oh.. Hi back. How is he? - I smiled, taking a sip of my wine

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