"Perfect" couldn't keep this love alive...

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Later on Huk with Eva,

E: But all the baggage to the side, how was it?

She was serious. I was serious, but couldn't hide my smile.

N: It was amazing. It was heaven. It was just like before. Like when he came back from London for me and we started for real. When everything was just... a bed of roses you know. Just heaven. I mean it amazes me how well we fit together in bed. How easy we slipped into our old parts. Just knowing someone that well, knowing every inch of their body like your own, even after that many years. It's amazing. I've never had that with anyone else. Not that I've had that many partners but, still.

E: But, still William is William

N: William is... William. - I sighed heavily - In all aspects.

She was listening and looking at me all the time, slightly smiling.

E: You should call him.

N: No, I don't think so.

E: If for nothing else, for your friendships sake. For a proper closure, a proper goodbye.

I was quite now, looking at her sadly. My heart breaking into a million pieces. I know she is right, but at the same time how do I say goodbye to him?

N: I don't want a goodbye. - barely whispering

E: Oh sweetie - she leaned over and hugged me

I loved him, that much was clear to me by now. I loved him like I haven't loved since him or like I'll never love after him. And how do you now make yourself say goodbye to that? How do you just stop loving, stop feeling? You might as well tell me to stop breathing. It's impossible.


N: I know what I want, now you need to figure out what you want. -

I was putting on my jacket, we were standing in Selena and Eriks guest bedroom. I was going home. I've had enough. Enough wine, enough banter with old friends, enough mingling and most of all enough of this cat and mouse game I have been playing in the recent months with William.  

W: I want you to stay

N: Not the way I want you to stay.

 He then took a step forward and grabbed me, kissing me hard and passionately, his one hand on my lower back and the other on my neck. I was surprised but, responded quickly by kissing him back and putting both my hands on his back, pulling him closer to me. Wow. Is this what we've been missing this whole time? A make-out session. We just managed to pull away for him to say:, Let's get out of here". I nodded frantically because I clearly wasn't thinking with my head.

We made out in the cab all the way to his place. It was like our passion was kept somewhere all these years and just waited to be set in motion. I have no idea how we made it to the apartment because we didn't make it to the bed, not the first time at least.  

I really never feel more alive than I do when I am with William. I had almost forgotten what that felt like. The complete and utter love I have for this man is undeniable. And when that love is returned so passionately and so to the fullest that it burns through your whole body and all the way to the tip of your toes it's the most beautiful feeling in the world. And definitely, the feeling that makes me feel most alive for sure. 

Who would ever want to let go of that feeling?



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