I need the sun to break..

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W: "Hi. Bridget is out with friends. Want to entertain an old friend one more night?" 

N: "That sounds very sleezy haha. But, yes of course. I am going to a concert for work. Wanna come?"

W: "Sleezy haha. Who's playing?"

N: "James Bay."

W: "Never heard of. I am game."

N: "You woun't regret it. It's at The Skinny Bar&Lounge. Lower East Side. Meet U there 8-ish?" 

W: "See you there." 

This should be fun. 

Dinner on Thursday night was nice. He and Bridget met at Harvard. That's where he went to study after Oslo. After us. They have been together for three years. She is two years older than him. He works in Oslo, but travels a lot to USA, mostly Miami where his company has a branch. He likes his job, apparently, he is very good at it since he is climbing the ranks in the speed of light. He and Oscar have a good relationship now. He said something like "Since we only have each other now.. " I wanted to ask about Nicolay but, didn't in fear of ruining the evening. Bridget on the other hand, is working on her fourth book so she is traveling, doing research, attending seminars and conferences. They seem very happy in Oslo, or he does. She is nudging him to move to London or the States. But apparently his heart is in Oslo.

They have also decided to stay in the city until Sunday because some of Bridgets friends , that she hasn't seen in years, are in Nyc for the weekend.

We met at The Skinny around 8 PM. It was nice, hanging out just the two of us. We quickly jumped right into our joking routine. It was relaxing. I was there for work so when the concert started I was focused mainly on the man with the guitar on stage. 

He liked the concert. "I think I have heard one or two songs, just never paid attention who the singer was"

"So the verdict for booking him is?"


Afterwords we met some of my friends and went out. Ed, Andrew, Emily, and Thom. (Matt was outta town for work, Hannah was out with some other friends  and James&Amelia were preggo hehe so no more late night Saturdays for them.)

He was talking to Em and Thom, while I was engaged in a conversation with Andrew and Ed about the James Bay concert. They had seen him in concert before at a festival. 

Apparently the conversation William is having with Em and Thom is about me and us and our past relationship. I had told Hannah and Ed that he was in town, my HS boyfriend, obviously Ed told the others not thinking it was a big deal. And truly it wasn't. I just didn't think they would interrogate and investigate hehe. When asked I just brushed it of that it's none of their business. They were not gonna settle with that answer. As Thom put it "Come on, Noris! It's not like any of us have exes that we still hang out with so the rest of us can snoop into our friends past, the friend being you''I laughed at that. That is so nicely said no matter how invasive. And I figured I wasn't gonna hear the end of it if I didn't say something. I wonder how much Matt knew. We were together yesterday and he didn't mention anything.

N: – I don't know. We just grew apart I guess. - William and I shared a glance. What? It is somewhat true. 

Later at the club.. as I am coming out of the bathroom, William is standing in the small hallway waiting for me.

N: Oh.. Hi

W: You know we didn't grow apart?

N: I know. - moved closer to him in case someone would come looking for us and hear

W: - smiled and after a second said - Thanks.

N: I am not doing it for you. I just don't think the whole world has to know about your past. 

W: And thank you for that. - he smiles lightly with his eyes again. Those eyes again. They will be the end of me. I smile carefully back.

We continue to mingle with my friends for another hour before calling it a night. We share a cab. After we have settled in and told the taxi driver each our address, we sit in silence. A million thoughts through my head.

N: Does Bridget know? - he turns to look at me, with confusion all over his face - About the drugs?

W: No.

N: - raised my eyebrows in surprise - Why not?

W: - shrugged - It's in the past. Why drag the past out where it's not its place?

I nod a little. He is right. But, something else then comes to mind.. that I have been meaning to ask since the interview.

N: Is that why you lied to her about me... and us?

W: I just don't see the point in telling her. What good is it gonna do? 

We were looking at each other now. Miles and miles of words unspoken between us. I turn back around to look out the window.

N: You are right. It was a million years ago. And not important. 

W: Noora

I keep looking out the window.

W: Noora - he said more calm, sincere, hurt

I turn to look at him : It's ok William. It really is. I mean you're right it's the past. It shouldn't matter how you define it now.

W: I didn't mean it like that... I.. 

The taxi pulled up. 

N: Here is me - I tried to smile - It was really nice seeing you again and catch up - leaned over and hugged him quickly and lightly - You guys have a safe trip home, give Oslo my best regards - smiled widely -  and say hi to Bridget.

W: - lost - Yeah. I will. It was nice seeing you too. Give me a call when you come for the wedding. Maybe we can have dinner.

N: That sounds good. - nodded and started to move to get out - Ok. Bye then - smiled again w/o teeth politely and stepped out.

W: Bye Noora.

Wow. That hurt more than I thought it would. But what did I expect? And what do I want? I mean he has a girlfriend and I am dating someone. We haven't seen each other for five years. Our baggage is filled with shit and not shit from other people but, from each other and there is only so much shit a relationship can take.

I am just a silly, silly girl who wanted different answers to already answered questions.

Four days later while I am at work I get a text from William. I am surprised, to say the least. But, even more in shock when I read the iMessage.

W: "Of course it was important. It was without a doubt the most important thing in my life, even long after it ended."

N: "And it's not anymore. It's fine William, you don't own me any explanation."

W: "I owe you so much more than an explanation Noora."

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