So why don't we just play pretend...

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W: «Are you home? I really need a friend to talk to.»

N: «Of course. When?»

W: «I am outside Evas place.»

N: «I'll be right down.»

We drove up to Ekebergparken in silence. He parked just underneath the restaurant. We had our first date here but, I didn't dare say anything because he looked like he was ready to explode.

N: How are you? What's going on? – I asked as I sat on the bench. He stood a few feet away, his hands on his hips, looking down at the city.

W: I am just so fucking tired of everything!

N: You'll have to be more specific.

W: She is so fucking consumed by status and material things it makes me sick.

I didn't say a word. I still didn't understand anything. I guess he was talking about Bridget but, I wasn't sure.

W: I am constantly feeling the pressure to be something I am not. Only because it's fitting in the social life we are leading. Or the social life that she wants us to lead - he continued

N: You and Bridget had a fight?

W: No. We didn't. You see a fight is not accepted in our social network. It's a weakness for couples to be fighting, especially in front of their friends and we can't come off as weak. Especially not in front of her friends where appearance is everything.

I raised my eyebrows... Okey. 

I guess he understood I was confused. He breathed heavily and sat down on the bench beside me, his eyes never leaving me. He spoke quieter now.

W: We had dinner with some friends, her friends, and as I was sitting there, listening to their dull and stupid conversations and laughs. I suddenly felt trapped, like I couldn't breathe, like the walls were creeping in on me. So I just left. I got into my car and drove around before I called you.

I nodded because I had no idea what to say to that.

W: I don't understand what happened. - he said after a beat - Where I went wrong. It was good once. It was normal. Now.. I don't know its like I hate everything about her world and she hates everything about mine. I want to quit my job. I am bored as hell with the finance shit. I want to work with seminars and lectures. Maybe go into research. Travel around. But that's not even up for discussion with her. I want to stay and live in Oslo. She wants to move to London. We are just on totally different paths heading in totally different directions...

N: Why did you move in different directions you think? I mean what happened?

W: I've already told you. You.

I raised my eyebrows. 

W: You have always had the ability to completely shake up my life. Make me question everything about it and you've done it again. The clear path ain't so clear anymore, the focus changed direction, everything has become a little blurry.

I nodded. I am both surprised and shocked by his honesty and his statement.

W: Any advice for the mess I have created for myself? – he said after a minute of silence

N: You have to find out what you want on your own William. We are talking about the rest of your life here. I mean when you purpose to someone or say yes to someone's proposal it usually means it's for life. Not, just for a few months and then walk away if it doesn't suit you. But you need, to be honest with yourself and with her about this before it's too late. A very smart guy once told me; If we really love each other we will make the sacrifice. So I say the same to you... If you guys really love each other, you'll have to make sacrifices for each other. You have to learn to accept each other's needs, no matter how different and you have to understand each other's worlds.

W: - smiled widely – So you think I am smart?

N: Out of that whole speech that's what you got out of it. - He smiled even wider now - The smartest - I replicated his wide smile

W: Couldn't have been that smart when I managed to let you go.

Wow, he is just hitting me with these statements tonight. Haven't we already been through one of these evenings?

I didn't know what to answer him on that. We kept looking at each other, his stare so sincere and lost. It was getting too intense for my comfort. I looked away, staring out at the ocean and the city. What are we doing?

Then we heard a familiar song up from the restaurant, there was probably a wedding going on.

*I will leave my heart at the door. I won't say a word.. they've all been said before. So why don't we just play pretend.. like we are not scared of what is coming next or scared of having nothing left... *

N: You have to be kidding me?

I looked dumbfounded at William. There couldn't have been playing a more appropriate song than this one was, for the two of us, for right here, right now.

He was looking at me with a smirk on his face.

N: I haven't heard this song in years...

W: You want to dance? – he handed me his hand

N: - smiled w/o teeth and put my hand in his and we started dancing...

***Look don't get me wrong I know there is no tomorrow. All I ask is... if this is my last night with you. Hold me like more than just a friend... Give me a memory I can use. Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do. It matters how this ends... cause what if I never love again? 

I don't need your honesty. It's already in your eyes... And I'm sure my eyes, they speak for me. No one knows me like you do... And since you're the only one that's mattered. Tell me who do I run to?

Let this be our lesson in love. Let this be the way we remember us. I don't wanna be cruel or vicious. And I ain't asking for forgiveness... All I ask is... If this is my last night with you. Hold me like I'm more than just your friend. Give me a memory that I can use. Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do. It matters how this ends... 'Cause what if I never love again?  ***

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