This isn't everything that you are..

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Two days later I am walking into another hotel lobby for another interview. This is it. My make it or break it moment.

At the front desk I ask for Ms. Bridget Nolan. The object of my interview who hasn't arrived yet. I didn't expect she would I was twenty minutes early. I sat down in one of the corners of the lobby, by the window. It was a decant lobby. I have spent a few mornings and afternoons in hotel lobbys in The Big Apple since most of the interviews I do are in them. This lobby was kinda old feel with brown mahogany tables matching with brown leather comfortable lean chairs. There were couple other occupied tables, people working, having meetings. I took out my notes, my Mac and the two phones. You would think I was the editor in chief. A girl was walking around serving coffee and tea. I got a cup of chai latte with tons of chocolate. It was almost chocolate milk just a tad more sophisticated hehe. I looked at my phone, another 16 minutes. I could go over my notes just one more time.

Noora?! - I hear my name being called by a familiar voice.

No! Come on! Twice in less than 48 hours I think to myself.

I look up and there they are again. Those eyes that could bore holes into my soul any day. Every time I looked into them, it was like I was standing naked, exposing all my biggest dreams, darkest secrets and worst fears.

He is standing opposite me in a black suit, looking better than ever. And with Bridget Nolans hand tucked under his arm. Like his most necessary accessory.

Wow! Out of all possible scenarios I could play out in my head.. this was NOT one of them.

N: William?!

W: What are you doing here?

I pulled myself together. I am here for work. My most important work. Get a grip! This stud of an ex of mine standing in front of me will have to wait. Priorities Noora. 

N: - stood up, took a breath, looked at him matter of factly and with a half smile - We are not doing this again, are we? - and turned to Bridget, while reaching out my hand

N: Hi. I am sorry. I am Noora Sætre, I am stepping in for Petter Lien who was supposed to interview you today. – I was showing her my ID pass that was hanging around my neck. Showing her that I actually was working for the network haha. William leaned down a little too to look at the ID card. I just gave him a look. He half smiled and turned away – he got pulled away on another project and I am stepping in last minute.

B: Oh ok. Nice to meet you. – we were shaking hands

N: You too – smiling - Let's sit - gesturing for her to sit opposite me

B: - while sitting down - How do you guys know each other?

After a brief staring and smiling competition with her boyfriend who is looking at her like she asked him the stupidest question known to man, he turns to me and then back to her

W: Ehh... we went to high school together.

Hahah. OK! I am waiting for what he will say next but, nothing. Nothing further ladies and gentleman. That is it. So I guess that is what we are. Friends from high school. Silly me thought the four and a half years being and living together classified as more than friends from HS, but ok. 

B: Oh really? In Oslo? That is amazing. What a coincidence!

N: Yes, it is quite a shock - is all I managed to say

William gave me a look. Stern. I smiled w/o teeth and looked down at my notes. Two can play this game.

B: How long is it since you graduated William? - she turned to him. Wow, she wasn't gonna let this slide easily.

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