Don't stop your lovin' its all I have

726 11 3

He was stoic and calm glancing at me from time to time with an unreadable expression. One of confusion and amazement.

We decided to hang out tonight, it was the day after the wedding. He had been hungover all day, I had been tired and exhausted by all the dancing, singing and socializing last night. We met in the hotel lobby and decided to go and grab a bite. He hadn't eaten anything proper all day, so we decided for a burger joint haha. Proper.

I was sitting in the booth while he was standing by the cashier waiting for our order. He was fickling on his phone, laughing about something. He suddenly looked up and our eyes met. He half smiled without teeth, a warm but, distant look in his eyes. And it was gone, in a blink of a second, he turned back to his phone.

SHIT! I am such an idiot! What am I doing?

I text Sana.

N: «We are out. He is weird and distant. Why the hell am I here?»

Sana: «Patiance. You hurt him, badly. But, underneath the hurt is the love. Remember that. So baby steps. Good luck. <3 «

I smile. She is such a softie.

N: «<3»

It gave me the courage to stay the evening. If nothing for the meal.

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N: I read your interview in The Banker. - I said when we were sitting, eating

W: Wow. Have you taken an interest in the financial world? - he was teasing

I smiled while tilting my head and arching an eyebrow

He coughed from the laugh that escaped his lips, and covered his mouth with both his hands that were holding the burger wrapped in thin paper

N: Sana sent it to me

W: - nodded smiling – Of course. Arwan. How are they?

N: They are good.

I didn't want to talk about Sana and Arwan. I had so many questions about him but, with his total dismissiveness, non-interest, and short answers I didn't dare ask a single one. So instead I went for the truth.

N: I am glad you kept the house.

He looked up at me. Suddenly I saw a glimpse of the old William. The kindness and softness behind the cool exterior. He took a second like he remembered who he was talking to. ''I know you, baby, better than you know yourself'' I thought to myself.

W: Yeah. I couldn't really bring myself to sell it. I thought even if I never live there again, I still want it. I cant have anyone else live there. Its the only thing I have left from her.

N: You did the right thing. – 

He smiled w/o teeth and dived back into his burger.

I kept looking at him, wanting to say more but, didn't dare.

W: Are you having those fries? - After a beat

N: No. They're all yours. - I pushed the cup closer to him on the table.

He started eating them, all satisfied.

N: You really broke your engagement? – I couldn't hold it in any longer and since he is being so withholding information and conversation. I had to get the ball rolling.

He looked at me surprised, before his eyes went down again, back to his fries– 

W: I did

N: Why? I mean what about the prenup?

He stopped eating and brushed his hands with the napkin while saying - I really don't feel like talking about that now or here. - looking at me sincerely

N: Yes, of course. No. I am sorry.

W: It's ok. - drank his soda - So when are you going back to Nyc?

N: Ehm... Tomorrow morning.

W: Oh.. already? Not coming with us to Greece?

(Erik and Selena and all our closest friends, the crew from Oslo, are going for a week to Greece, like an extended celebration of the wedding but, just with the closest friends. Before the lovebirds are heading to Barbados for their honeymoon.)

N: No. I got work and deadlines on Friday.

W: Work before play ha?

N: Hey.. not all of us have the luxury to break free in our 30-is and fly on our own.

W: Ahh.. but it's the best feeling. I promise you. I think it might be my best career decision.

N: I can believe that.

W: Even though I am still going back to permanent academic life next year.

N: But, it's Harvard Law man.

W: I know. - he said genuinely happily - Even though the gypsy life is tempting when Harvard called it was easy to drop everything else. I mean when in life am I ever gonna get a call like that again?

N: Never. It was the right decision for sure. And I think you'll be a great professor.

W: You think?

N: I do.

W: Thanks.

We walked back to the hotel. Talking and bantering all the while, but never really addressing the real stuff. But, maybe it's not necessary. Maybe some things are better left unsaid and this is where we are now and where we need to stay. And when we by chance run into each other we spend time having shallow and superficial conversations.  

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