Let me know the truth before I dive right into you...

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E&N: Heeey

Eva and I walked in to Vildes kitchen for our long awaited girls night. She and Magnus had purchesd their dream home on Vindern. The other girls were already there, gathered around the kitchen counter.

They all got up and we hugged, long and hard. I haven't seen Sana since New Years and Chris since last August and now she is six months pregnant.

N: How are you feeling? – caressed her stomach

C: I feel like a bubble

N: You look great. So fresh. Glowy.

C: Oh please... How are you?

N: I am good. Happy to be here. – I hugged her again

V: What are you drinking? – standing by the fridge

E: Ehm what are you having? – she looked around the counter. Pineapple juice in front of both Sana and Chris – Oh right. What about you Vilde? – turned to Vilde

V: I am having red wine but, we also have white, cava, beer, gin and tonic, vodka?

N: Uuu I can take a glass of cava.

E: I'll have the red wine you're having.

N: When did you guys get here? - turned back to the girls

V: Eva, come here... help me with this bottle. – she got up and went to help Vilde by the fridge

C: Ehh about ten minutes ago. Sana was just about to tell us about her loverboy in London

E: Oh wait for me. I want to hear too. – she was pouring herself a glass of wine

N: Ahh. How is Aarav?

C: That's right. You've met him?

N: Yeah. When I was in London for New Years.

E: And?

N: He is great. So freaking talented. And a great sense of humor. I felt like I laughed more those four days than I had all last year.

V: How long were you in London?

N: Five days.

C: You spent all the time with him?

N: And Sana.

We all laughed.

C: Yes well of course.

V: I was just thinking.. it must be serious since he was with you guys the whole time.

N: I think you have to ask Sana that?

They all turned to Sana.

S: I don't know. We hang out a lot yes.

C: What is a lot? Every day?

S: Yeah. Probably.

E: Sana, are you living with a boy and not telling us?

S: Nooo.. we are not living together.. but,

N: Almost?

S: Almost. – smiled

V: So you are there? The talking about living together stage?

S: We have talked about it...

E: Have you told your parents about him?

S: Just mom.

C: But, how long have you been dating now?

S: A year and... seven months.

E: Wow has it been that long?

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