I don't want to stray from the hallowed ground...

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N: «But, I gotta go now.. the girls want me out on the dancefloor.»

W: «Dancefloor? Where are you?»

N: «Horgans. I told you yesterday... Vildes bachelorette party.»

W: «Right. Want to meet up?»

N: «Meet up?»

I am looking dumbfounded at my vibrating phone as his name appears on the screen.

I can't answer the phone here, in front of them. I haven't told them that we have been hanging out. Not even Eva. I know what their reactions will be, I can hear their words so clearly and I really wasn't into being schooled. 

William and I knew where we stood and we are fine. We are just hanging out, completely innocent. 

So since I don't want to tell them that we are in touch I put the phone back in my back pocket and follow Eva and Sana out on the dancefloor.


On Monday William and I were at an exhibition at the Astrup Fearnley Museum. We were both interested in the artist and this particular exhibition of his so we decided to go together.

Thursday he invited me to the Jack Savoretti concert at Crossroads. He had an extra ticket. I love Jack Savoretti. It was a win-win. We were joined by Vegard, Thomas, Peter, and Karina. I hadn't seen those people in years, I missed them and their always fun, loving, charming and playful spirits.

When we arrived, Vegard was like;

"OMG Noora! AND William.!This is like being in a time machine guys."


After we danced our socks off to some of our favorite tunes on the dancefloor on the 1st floor we headed back up to our table. I smile as we are approaching our table and at the sight before me. By our table talking to Vilde and Chris, who didn't join us on the dancefloor due to her condition, is he. 

N: When did you get here? – when we parted after the hug

V: William is out with some clients and saw us so he just came over to say Hi. – jumped in

She was so cute. I felt bad for lying to her, to all of them.

William was looking at me while smiling. I was trying not to look at him and hold back my smile, but I was failing miserably at both. The four girls were looking between us.

W: You had fun on the dancefloor? – he was teasing me and apparently not giving a damn about the pair of eight eyes following us

N: Yes – I smiled matter of factly – How did you manage to get rid of the kids?

W: Called their mom – he smiled – No, kidding. Thank God there is a thing called jet-lag and early meetings tomorrow so they went to bed.

S: What kids?

W: I had dinner with some clients from Japan and they wanted me to take them to a strip club and I really wasn't into it so I had some trouble getting rid of them.

C: How old were they?

E: Strip clubs in Oslo. For real?

W: Right! – he said to Eva like agreeing – Ehh.. I don't know they were about 25 I think.

S: And how do you know this? – turned to me

N: Eh.. he texted me about it

They nodded, but the confusion on their faces was unmistakable.

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