I could have missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss the dance...

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I arrived in Oslo Thursday 10:20 AM. I had managed to sleep during the whole flight. 

I have been so tired lately. It has been so hectic at work with long days at the office, doing research for new projects, there have been many meetings since the summer is approaching and we have started to develop new programs for the fall. I have also been exploring New York with Aksel almost every day after work. 

We have seen a musical outdoor in Central Park, we have spent a whole day in Queens, doing a full exploration of the neighborhood and all its varieties. We saw a stand-up show by a newcomer at the Comedy Celler, checked out a jazz concert in a gritty, basement bar in Williamsburgh, we went to a Yankees game (I have never). It has been such a whirlwind, but so much fun. It feels like I have just begun to appreciate New York and everything it has to offer, not only Manhatten and Brooklyn. Aksel was leaving next week to California, Iowa, and Florida for work. We promised to keep in touch until we see each other again in end June.

I took the train to the city center and the tram up to Eva and Thomases apartment on Majorstua. Eva was at work and Thomas was in Bergen until Sunday.

I opened the door to their apartment and in the hallway, on their giant chalkboard read;

 Welcome home Noora!

 Your room is ready (to the left). There is food in the fridge and coffee in the machine. Wifi pass is ThevaBergen19. Towels are on your bed. If there is anything else call me on my work phone. I will be home around 3 PM. Kisses :* -

I smiled. I love my friends. I took a shower, made myself a bagel and coffee, answered work-related texts and not work related, chatted a bit with Aksel. 

I texted the girls that I had arrived safely. They welcomed me home. Vilde was looking forward to seeing me tonight and again asking if I am bringing anyone? I mean they are my only friends, who do they think I am hiding in Oslo? Haha. Sana and Chris were looking forward to hanging out on Saturday.

Vilde had invited us for an all night girls night at their new house on Vinderen. Dinner and sleep over, just the five of us. I can't remember the last time we did that. The boys were taking Magnus out for his bachelor party so we had the house to ourselves. They will though join us for brunch and hang out on Sunday.

Vilde also thinks that is her real bachelorette party. She doesn't want the crazy, embarrassing shit she says haha. But we are taking her out on Thursday to Horgan's. Her secretly favorite club in Oslo. She wants to be perceived as proper but, there is a crazy, wild side to Vilde that just a few chosen people know about. ;)

I guess I fell asleep because I woke up to the sound of my name echoing in the apartment.

Noooora! – when I opened my eyes Eva was hovering over me, the widest smile plastered on her face and almost clapping her hands. I jumped up, replicating the same smile, and we hugged for minutes. Almost yelling at each other how much we missed each other and how good it was to see each other again.

She had made reservations for us at Olivia at 5 PM. We'll take the tram from there down to the city and Spektrum. The door to the VIP lounge is open from 7 PM. We will be there around 8 PM. The concert doesn't start until 8:30 – 9 PM.

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