You lost the love I loved the most...

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San Sebastian - eight years ago

At a restaurant one evening, Ed Sheeran's – Perfect came on.

W: May I have this dance? – he was holding out his hand for me

N: William.. we cant dance here. No one is dancing.

He looked at me with those caramel eyes that could make me do anything.

I smiled embarrassing and took his hand

W: We can do anything we want, baby. – he pulled me into him and we started dancing

W: This song is perfect for our first dance at our wedding. - he whispered mid-way in the song

N: You would think the wedding was happening this year as much planning as you have done.

W: Maybe it is.

I smile. He smiles. 😊

The next morning, I was coming out of the bathroom and we were gonna head down to breakfast at the hotel,

N: What is it? You've been so distant all morning?

W: My mum is sick.

(Omg in all the years we have been together I could count on one hand how many times I've heard him call his mother, mum. This must be serious. )

N: Sick how?

W: I don't know. My dad keeps nagging me about it. Nico even texted me. Now my aunt Hedda.

N: Have you talked to Charlotte?

W: I texted her yesterday, she never replied.

N: You texted her? We have to call her. I mean what kind of sick is she?

W: I don't know.. Hedda mentions cancer something.

N: Cancer something? William?!?

W: What? I'll call her when we get home.

N: You'll call her now or I am on the first flight back home

Looked at me stern, confused.

W: Fuck! Fine.

He took out his phone and called. No one answered. He called his aunt Hedda. (his fathers' sister)

Charlotte is in the hospital receiving treatment. She has cancer and they found out two weeks ago. It didn't look good but, they are doing everything they can. Håkon (her new husband) is with her and Hedda and family. And Lauren, her best friend (she is also Eriks mother).

Somehow I convinced him that we fly to Oslo tomorrow. We have another four days of our vacation. I'd rather we spend it by her side, who knows what might happen and how long she'll live. I would hate it for William to never get a closure with her no matter their past. I think he'll regret it forever if he doesn't.

We have vacations to go on for the rest of our lives.

We spent the four remaining days of our vacation in Oslo, going up to Rikshospitalet every day to see Charlotte.

Then we had to fly back to London. Both William and I had jobs. Mine was writing articles for different web-pages and papers both in London and Oslo and it was flexible but, I still had deadlines. While William had to be back at the office.

After a month in London and many talks, we decided to move back to Oslo for the time being at least. Till Charlotte gets better.

We still had the apartment in Niels Juuls gt. But, he was renting it out until Christmas. His friend, Valter had an apartment and he was leaving for the States in a month, so we buckled in with him for that month, then he left to the USA and we lived there.

In November Charlottes condition worsened and we move into Williams childhood home on Snarøya. We were driving out there every day anyway so this was easier.

Charlotte died in February.

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