and I know you're worth it...

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 Even though we're going through it. And it makes you feel alone. Just know that I would die for you.

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September. Rome

I arrive at FCO at 10:30 AM in beautiful Rome.

I took a cab and checked into hotel Aldrovandi, next to the park Borghese, where all the wedding guests were staying.

I talked to Selina while waiting for my luggage, they were out organizing some last things before the wedding in two days. She is picking me up later though for drinks before the dinner at 7 PM with the rest of the crew.

I had managed to sleep, eat, work, take a shower and change twice before Selina was at my door at 5:40 PM. We went for drinks at the restaurant bar in the restaurant we were dining with the others later. It was easier. More time to talk, less to move around hehe. We haven't seen each other since May so there was a lot catching up to do. The talk was mostly about the wedding, the wedding and the wedding, a little about boys and even less about work hehe.

She and Erik wanted a "private" dinner with their main (Oslo) crew before the wedding. The wedding will host 129 guests so it'll probably get hectic and not enough time for everyone so they wanted to see us all properly. In Rome together. :) Everyone was here, except William who was suppose to fly in from London today, but his flight was canceled and he couldn't find another one before tonight. She wasn't updated on if he was making it tonight to dinner at all or if he is flying in tomorrow early.

At 7:02 PM they arrived. First walked in Harald, Peter, Lene, and Sophia, then Vegard, William, and Erik. The three musketeers. Laughing loudly about an inner joke obviously. It was just like seeing them ten years ago at Nissen. Being kids, never more than a few feet away from each other, kidding around, goofing, laughing.

My stomach was heavily butterflying. We haven't seen each other or spoken since I snuck out of his apartment that morning in Oslo in May.

Both Selina and I smile while looking at them. We hug them all, one by one.

As they are approaching us to hug

W: Hi – he bends down to hug me lightly

N: Hi – I hug back, maybe squeezing a little harder than he is 

W: How are you? - while hugging

N: I'm good – we parted - You? How was your flight?

W: All good - he smiled politely. I returned the polite smile.

It's all a little uncomfortable and nerve wracking but, we can be civil. 

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