The calm is over long before the storm...

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A: I would like to have dinner with you during our free time, not in any way work related.

N: - smiled - Ok. Let's have dinner.

A: Great. Friday?

N: Friday is good. 

A: Around 8. I can make reservations.

N: Sounds like a plan.

If he had asked two weeks earlier I would have said no. But, the talks with Vilde while she was here made me put perspective on things and the boys in my life, on Matt and especially on William. I had been holding on for so long. Even the last couple months he kept giving me hope that there might still be something there, but with the latest revelation of his status, he has given me a clear sign that it is over and I should move on.

                                                  That night Vilde and I sit up and talk until 4 AM. I don't get any wiser just more confused and with even more question than when the night started. 

A text pings on my phone in the early hours the next day from Ekebergparken and "our" bench.

W: «Watching the sunrise. Recognize the location?»

N: «I am sorry I shouldn't be texting with engaged men.»

That should shut him up. I was all cocky but, at the same time, I felt as if my heart was gonna beat out of my chest. But, I mean how long did he think he could keep this from me? He thought in a years time at one of our dinners when he is town and I would ask What's new with you? and he'll just go Oh not much, by the way, I got married. No way Jose!

He called and called and called that day. Must have been twenty times, maybe more.

The next day he continued to call.

On Tuesday as well my phone was vibrating like crazy.

Did he really not think I would find out? Oslo isn't that big and we still know a lot of the same people.

Texts also rolled into my phone every other hour it felt like

W: «Can you please answer the phone. I want to talk to you»

W: «I can explain everything»

W:"There is so much more to that story"

W: «Noora please let me explain»

But, the last one took the cake and I had to say something

W: «Don't make me come to Nyc. I know where you live»

N: «Wtf? Are you threatening me now?»

W: «No, of course not. I am sorry. Bad humor. Can you please pick up the phone so I can tell you my side of the story.»

«William please stop! You are engaged. That's the end of every story.»

Aksel Norlie is also working for NRK and is in Nyc on a six months assignment. He is mostly doing documentaries so he is here making one about the upcoming election.

We know each other well and for a long time. He is two years older than me but, went to another HS than Nissen. He and William had the same circle of friends so I always met him at parties, events, and gatherings. They still hang out and even though the two of them are not the best of buds, when the boys gather up they're all there. He also dated Olivia, who is Maris best friend, so we really always were in the same crowds. Even though they were always in a limbo, today they were hot and heavy, in two months time they were over and it was like that for five - six years.

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