You're the reason I believe in love

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Vilde Hellerud Lien and Magnus Fossbakken finally tieing the knot.

Their relationship started with bonding over the love of cats at a Christmas party in high school. They took a brief break when things got too serious and tempting but, they eventually found their way back to each other. And today we are celebrating them choosing each other for the rest of their lives. I am honored to be able to witness that. 

It was a beautiful story being told in front of all their family and friends. It was a stunning day in late May on Losby Gods. They have chosen an outdoor wedding and the weather was on their side. The skies were clear, the sun shining so bright but, with just a hint of a much-welcomed breeze serving as a refresher and the smell of the beginning of summer. Everything was decorated in white, pink and peach. Classic, light and tasteful much like the main characters themselves. 

Before the ceremony, as all of us girls were getting ready together in a suite on the mansion, we asked Vilde if she was nervous. "No, not at all." she said and continued "It's him. And when you are that sure about wanting to spend the rest of your life with someone there is nothing to be nervous about. He is my guy. The boy in this universe meant for me." That was so beautifully put, it was also something she had written in her vow. We all started weeping already then. I think everyone in the world should feel like that at some point in their lives. I was so happy she felt like that now and for the man she was gonna spend the rest of her life with. She really deserved it, both she and Magnus did. 

She walked down the aisle to "From this Moment" by Shania Twain escorted by her father. She looked beautiful as ever, competing with the sun. Magnus was all dapper in his attire and fought hard to hold back the tears. The four of us obviously cried. Jonas, Isak and Mahdi followed suit haha. It was a big melting pot down at the front.

All because of love.

All because of love

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At the wedding reception later after being on the dancefloor for hours. We were all having so much fun, but especially our little group listening to old songs from our HS days. Now I had to sit down and have me some cake. Erik joined me, to keep me company while Selena was still shaking it on the dancefloor. That girl has some moves that I don't think I have ever seen a human body do before.  AHmazing!


I love Erik. He is so sweet. We have known each other for such a long time. Selena came into his life about the same time I entered Williams so we did a lot double dating. They used to visit us in London probably once a month when we lived there. And we have traveled the world together quite a lot. 

I was sad when we had to lose contact. He was Williams closest friend, they knew each other since they were 2, so the side choosing had to be done. I understood that even if it was sad. But, still every year for birthdays, Christmases and New Years we exchanged texts. And that was so sweet. They both were so sweet. :)

They are getting married in September in Rome. I can't wait.


After joking about Vilde and Magnus taste in wedding music and Selena's un-human moves on the dancefloor the talk, of course, stirred to William. It was through the conversation about a trip we had been on to Cuba, the four of us, and where ever we went Selena blew everyone away with her moves. Even some Cubans couldn't compete with her hehe. 

We decided to take a selfie and send to William, who was home alone working he had told me through texts earlier today. William replied, "I hope you are worth her time." with a joking emoji. We laughed.

E: Why don't you two work it out once and for all

N: He is engaged, Erik.

E: - smirked - Seriously?

N: What?

E: That's your answer? Seriously?

N: It's more than an answer. It's a fact.

E: Tell me... if you were engaged Noora, wouldn't you want to spend time with that person rather than a friend or an ex-girlfriend.

N: I don't understand.

E: He and Bridget were in London. But, as soon as I told him you were gonna be at the Karpe concert he was on the first flight back. Does that sound to you like someone who is happily engaged?

After I had processed this information.

N: Happily or not... She is still wearing his ring.

The wedding reception and most of the guests left around 3 AM. But, the 99-crew and their better halves and even the bride and groom kept it going. We brought blankets, wine and a good portion of old stories and memories into the summer garden living room where we sat with good conversations and laughter long after the sunrise. 

Vilde&Magnus, Isak&Even, Jonas&Martha, Mahdi&Inger, Chris&Lasse, Eva&Thomas, Sana and me.

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