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Today marked my fifth week at Blackwell. It was pretty great, I like all my classes and, I met some nice people, I like my teachers too. I made my way to the photography class,I'm not in it but I wanted to see a friend I have in there.

"Hey Kate." I softly smiled at her as I sat on her desk

"Oh, hello (Y/N). " she smiled back

"You look nice today Kate," I looked down and noticed a picture she held in her hand "Oh cool! Is that your entry for that contest thing..?"

"Yeah, the Every Day Heroes." she smiled at the picture

"You always find the light in everything's beautiful."

"Thankyou. Uh..hey would you like to go get some tea after school?"

"Yeah! That'd be awesome."

The class quickly filled in and Mr. Jefferson walked in, I'm not in his class but I know he is. I mean he is a very well known photographer, although I don't major in photography I am aware of the art and I do partake in my freetime.

"Alright, those who are not in this class," he gestured to the door "Out please."

I quickly hopped off the desk
"Just text me the deets! ...details.." I told Kate as I walked backwards towards the door
She smiled and nodded.

"Miss (Y/L/N), please."

"Sorry Jefferson." I turned around and left out into the hall

I hurried to my class even though I was gonna be a bit late anyway. I majored in visual art, but the painting and drawing kind. I rushed in my class.

"Sorry I'm late!" I said to my teacher

"It's fine..just please take your seat Ms....." he hadn't even remembered my name.

"(Y/N)...... (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." I went to get my canvas. I sat on my stool and put up my canvas onto the easel.

I looked next to me at the empty stool and easel with no canvas. There was some girl that was supposed to sit there...but no one had heard from her in a long while. I don't even remember her name but, I hope she's okay. I stare at my blank canvas, I guess I think something's just gonna appear out of think air. I sigh not knowing what to paint. Fuck, I have art block. Not knowing what to do I just sit the whole period,staring at everyone else's work. At the end of the class I put my canvas back where the blank ones go.

"Don't you think it needs to dry..?" my teacher said before I could walk out the door

"I couldn't...think of anything." I sighed

"The contest will be here soon so please,plan some stuff before you come in my class. It'll make it so much easier."

"Yes sir." I nodded and walked out into the hall, I noticed a girl putting something on the wall. She stood back and looked at the paper she put up,I walked up beside her to see the missing person poster, I quickly noticed the familiar name 'Rachel Amber' the missing I heard rumors about.

"Y-You knew her..?" I looked at the girl with bright blue hair

"Yeah. She was my best friend."

"Can..I have one?" I gestured to the stack of flyers she had in her hand

"..what?" she looked confused

"I want to be able to recognize her face and stuff...just in case I see her. I want to be able to contact you as well." The girl nodded and handed me one of the flyers

"Thanks." she softly smiled at me

"I hope she turns up soon."

"I hope so too. "

"I'm (Y/N) by the way."

"Chloe. I'll see you around...I have to finish putting these up." she gave a slight wave and walked off. I put the flyer in my bag, careful not to crumble it. I started to walk to the door , I checked my phone and saw the text from Kate;telling me where to meet her.

"Where do you think you're going?" I looked over at two people who began talking to each other. Victoria Chase and Nathan Prescott I'm sure...they were in the vortex club as far as I know. They began talking about some party, I pretended I was on my phone as I listened. I wasn't trying to be nosy, I was just curious about the party. I took a look at the boy, Nathan Prescott...he was part of the family that owned this school- - in fact they basically owned the whole town, Arcadia Bay. He caught me looking at him and we locked eyes before I quickly looked away and shoved my phone in my pocket;I hurried to the parking lot. I was really hoping he didn't think I was eavesdropping, I mean technically I was but still. I just wanna go tea with Kate, she's so nice and sweet. She's such a beautiful, kind hearted, she's not judgemental like other people I've met who follow the bible and God. Not that there's anything wrong with believing those things, my parents just never even gave me the chance to know anything about Christianity...we've never been to church or anything.

I walked toward my car but was quickly grabbed by my arm, I yelped in surprise.

"what the heck?!" I pulled away

"Sorry." the guy before me chuckled and handed me back my journal I had lent him.

"Fuck, Warren you almost made me piss myself man..!" I playfully pushed him as I laughed

"I'm sorry...hey, thanks for letting me borrow your notes, (Y/N)." He smiled

"No problem."

"In return to thank you for this kind gesture I'll give you," he pulled out a flash drive from his pocket;holding it out to me "This!"

"um...what's this? I mean it's a flash drive but....what's on it? " I took it out his hand

"movies...tell me what you think, I was thinking of giving it to Max and I want it to be good." he smiled

"Oh right...because you loooove her~" I began to make kissy noises along with a couple of slurping sounds

"Agh! Bye (Y/N!)" he quickly stormed off;flustered

I laughed to myself and drove off to meet Kate at the Diner.

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