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You arrive at the restaurant , the car ride was quiet but peaceful. Nathan gets out and opens your door for you. You step out and look at him.

"Are you okay? You look nervous.." he chuckles and puts his hand on your shoulder 

"Yeah..I..I'm fine.." you say, you suddenly get a funny feeling inside, it reverberates all through your bones. You feel chills run throughout your spine and down into the joints in your fingers, this feeling isn't you being nervous..its a more of a..disturbed feeling. Like something isn't right.

"Let's just head inside.." Nathan gently links his arm with yours

You both enter the place, its pretty nice. And pretty expensive looking, like those all white decor and furniture restaurants in movies and shows. The lighting makes sure the white isn't blinding. Nathan strolls up to the podium of the hostess. He asks for a table for two, the hostess pulls some menus from the podium and escorts you to your table. You sit in the seat across from Nathan; the hostess places the menus in front of you both and tells you two your waiter will be with you shortly before leaving.

"You're okay with eating here, right?" Nathan asks as he picks up his menu

"Of course, why wouldn't I be..?"

"You look like something's wrong, this isn't a date if that's what's wrong..I mean unless you want it to be.."

"a date?! no..I'm actually uh..I'm just..feeling a little sick..but it's probably just because I'm hungry or something." you make up some sort of excuse because you don't want it to seem like a date. you don't like him like that and vice versa is what you convince yourself.

"it's not because of my face ,is it
.?" that dumb smirk spread across his lips as he let out a small chuckle

"now that I think about it, it might be." you slightly grin as you joke

"I was just joking...you didn't have to be mean about it." he chuckles once more.

you both order and get your food soon after. you both begin to eat.
"so..I've heard you have quite the history.." you mumble

"what do you mean?" he raises a eyebrow


"oh..what have you heard..?" his expression drops

"just..yknow, you often try to get into girls' pants, like it's a win for you or something." you regret even bringing the subject up after you say it, but you can't help think that you're in the same spot as those other girls.

"so...you think this is what's going on huh?" his voice is a bit stern;he looks away from his plate and at you

"no...i mean...i don't know..." you look at him

"is that why you've been hanging around me?! or do you not trust me?!" he tries not to be too loud

"Nathan..calm down..please?"

"why?! so you can just judge me, analyze me..? just like everyone!" he raises his voice and stands up, you flinch slightly. You look up at him but you can feel everyone staring at you two, you feel their eyes burning into you.

"Nathan..please sit down...and take a breath.." you choke out, your voice sounding nervous. He looks around at the people staring.

" 'the fuck are you all staring at?!" he yells and throws his wallet onto the table before storming out of the restaurant.

you sigh and pick up the wallet, taking out a one hundred dollar bill and putting it on the table before you rush after Nathan.
You hurry outside and stop in your tracks as you see Nathan sitting down beside his car. You quietly walk over to him...
"I'm surprised you didn't leave." you mumble; getting no response.
Instead of staring ahead he turns his head in the opposite direction of you. You sigh.
"You can leave me if you want...I can call Kate...or...Warren to give me a ride."

"well you have my wallet...I should get that back first."

"wow...here," you throw it on the ground next to him, you feel a bit angry at him for saying that "don't do that shit again it's really fucking embarrassing, everyone was staring. you were acting like a whiney little...rich boy." you cross your arms

"well you know what? fuck you, bitch. I can do whatever the fuck I want! you don't control me. nobody does." he grabs his wallet and stands up

"you're being a brat. seriously? I can't believe I'm just now seeing that Nathan Prescott is a whiney little rich kid that just bitches and moans."

"shut up. get in the fucking car." he walks up to you

"I'm not going anywhere with you." you push him away

"I said get in the fucking car, (Y/N). I won't tell you again."

"woah..how scary..you know what.. fuck off Precott. Go cry to your daddy." you roll your eyes and turn around; away from him. You pull out your phone to call a ride. You feel him aggressively grab onto your arm, squeezing it harshly.

"c'mon." he roughly pulls you to the car, making you drop your phone.

"what the fuck, Prescott?!" before you can pull away he throws you into the car, slamming the door. He gets in and starts the car, quickly driving out of the parking lot.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me! my phone's still out there, you dick." you yell at him.

"...does it really even matter?" he looks at you, still looking quite mad.

"christ, I'm getting really tired of your shit. take me back to school." you sit back, folding your arms as you look out the window. he stays quiet, but you know that's where he's headed. the tension in the air is thick, but you're too pissed off to care and so is he.

Nathan Prescott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now