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You look over at Nathan, he doesn't look so angry but..still upset.

"what...what was that back there?" you mumble as you stare at him, he doesn't answer or even look at you. You sigh and look back out the window; quickly sitting up as you realize you passed the school.
"where are we going? I said take me back to the school!" you look at him

"After this you can go back to school.." he still doesn't turn his head in your direction.

"after what? what are we doing?" you ask, but don't receive an answer. the ride continues in silence. You two arrive in the parking lot near the lighthouse. Nathan turns the car off and gets out. You scoff, grabbing the keys from the ignition;he left them. You get out and follow him as he leads you to the lighthouse.

You both reach the top, you're still wondering what's going on. You sit on the bench, next to Nathan.

"Prescott...what are you doing? why are we here?" you ask calmly, he shrugs in response... "will you at least talk to me?"

"about what?"

"look at me too." you put your hand on his shoulder gently, he looks at your hand before looking at your face.


"what was that back there? why'd you freak out."

"just forget about it. you can leave...take my car. you don't have to talk to me anymore." he gently takes your hand off his shoulder

"what? look...i...i didn't mean all that shit I said I was just upset."

"no, you meant it...and you're right. I am a whiney little rich leave."

"you don't actually want me to you?" you softly touch his arm

"does it matter? you saw the way I why stay?" he softly pulls his arm away; scooting away from you.

"well you were angry. you're not always like that..."

"maybe I am. you don't understand  (y/n), i hurt a lot of people..I never mean to..but I do. And...and everyone hates me for it, and I don't blame them." his eyes become glassy before he looks away.

"I don't hate you. I mean yeah you can be a dick just like anybody, but that doesn't make me hate you."

"I'm sorry..but it's hard for me to believe you. my dad hates me, my mom,my "friends", even people I don't talk to just hate me. even...even I hate me." he stands up

"I understand but you can trust me can't you? I mean you're opening up to me right now..."

"No...I...don't know. there's things I'd like to tell you but..." he walks towards the end of the cliff, you stand up quickly

"'re scaring me. you can tell me anything..."

"are you sure?"

"of course, you're one of my friends. away them there please. it's making me nervous."

"I'm just.." he steps back away from the end "scared..I don't want to scare you away, I mean you're one of the first genuine people I've met...and I want someone genuine in my fucked up life."

"you're not gonna scare me off...tell me...what's wrong."  you walk towards him.

"I'm sorry if I freaked out at the restaurant...honestly it's my fault..not yours. I didn't think," he sighs "I haven't been taking my medication."


"they help with my mental health..but I don't like taking them." he sighs

"Why would that scare me off?"

"Because I'm sick, (y/n)." he frowns

"that doesn't make you a bad person, you can't blame yourself for your illness." you hug him "I like you Nathan, and I think you're good."

"th..thanks. I'm sorry for how I acted..I'll get you a new phone and make it up to you." he hesitates to hug you back

"okay, " you let go of him and smile "let's get out of here."

"okay." he starts to head back the way you two came. You follow him.

Nathan Prescott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now