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Once you and Nathan return to the school he looks to you,opening his door
"I'll walk you to your dorm.." Nathan mumbled

"okay." you flashed him a soft smile as you watched his face quickly frown and look away. He gets out and waits for you, you sigh and quickly get out and the two of you head to your dorm.

"I'm....sorry." he puts his hands in his pockets as you both approach the girls dorm, his eyebrows furrow as you both enter.

"I told you it's cool..I get it."

"not for that...I mean- -"

"(Y/N)! I was worried about you I called you like a bunch of times..." You turned your head towards the door of your room to see Warren standing in front of the door.

"What? my phone got..," your eyes slowly wander to Nathan as you mumble, "broken." you're not that mad, just making fun

"Oh...well it's just...I was worried.." he gently grabs your wrist and softly pulls you to him, staring at Nathan. Usually this is the part where Nathan gets upset, but..he didn't. He just stood there,still frowning just a bit.

"um..I should get going." he turned his head to the side

"What? Why?" you softly grab one of his hands

"I have some....stuff to do."

"We'll talk later though??" you ask worriedly
He shrugs and turns to leave. Once he's out the exit Warren lets go of your arm

"Sorry..I'm just worried about you...with him..." he wraps his hand around your shoulder..

"God, Warren! Are you kidding me?!" you slap his hand away

"What...?" he looks at you, confused

"You know what?! he's not as bad as everyone says, he's a good guy. He may have issues but that's not his fault, I know he beat you up and I won't forget it but...he needs me...or somebody who understands." you cross your arms,looking away from him.

"I...can explain okay?" Warren frowns and his voice is timid, he holds his lips together

"Then please...go ahead." you look at him, waiting.

"(Y/N)....I..I'm just worried about anything happening to you. It's like..besides Max you're my only friend. And...I can't tell her everything that I can tell the fact I like her. So if me and Max don't stay friends then....I have no one if you ditch me or something happenes to you." he sighs,brushing his fingers through his hair.


"I know...I've been a total jerk. I apologize.."

"It's okay Warren, I wouldn't ditch you for Nathan anyway. You're my friend Warren and I care about you too." you extend your arms a little, "You know you want to.." you sing with a dumb smile on your face

"Okay," Warren chuckles and hugs you " careful. "

"I will." you smile and pull away from him

"Well I have to go. I'll see you later.." Warren smiles before exiting the dorm.

You turn to your door before feeling a tap on your shoulder, You turn to see Maxine Caulfield which is kind of a surprise

"You're.. (Y/N) right?" her soft and shy voice lingers in your ears after she speaks

"Yeah..." you look at how anxious she looks

"We need to talk....about Kate. It's very important."


"It's...a bit late. Um if you're not busy in the morning please meet my room."

"Yeah..okay. Talk to you then,Maxine."

"Actually it's Max...never Maxine."


"no, it's fine." she softly smiles before going a bit down the hall to her room.
You enter your room and change into your pajamas and wipe off your makeup. You sigh and look at your phone to see if Nathan has texted you, but there's nothing. You just hope he's okay, he didn't seem..well. You lay in your bed,tired and ready to just have the day end.

Nathan Prescott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now