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The gunshot repeats in your ears over and over again. It feels so surreal as you watch Nathan's body become limp against Jefferson, Jefferson pushes him off and onto the ground. He searches Nathan's pockets,taking everything he has including the gun and Nathan's keys.
"I don't need you anymore. All you do is fuck things up..she better be there or so help me," he holds the gun back up,pointing it at Nathan's head,he lowers it "No..I want you to suffer. Think about what you've done in your last few moments, think about how this all could of been avoided Nathan. Maybe if you'd just killed yourself when you had the chance you wouldn't have to go through any of this," Jefferson puts the gun back in his pocket, "I'll come back and dispose of your body. Have fun."

You hear Nathan cough and sputter, gasping for air. You can hear that he's in pain. You can see Jefferson's figure loom over him, watching before turning away and going to his car. You want to run out to Nathan..but you have to wait until he leaves. You try your best to think straight and logically, you want to run to him so bad.
You hear Jefferson's car start up, you see his headlights move as he pulls out of the junkyard and drives away. Once he's gone you quickly get out the car, you run to him almost tripping as you hurry. You fall down onto your knees beside him,you lift him onto your lap. Holding him in your arms.

"Nathan? Nathan please. Please we gotta go,stay with me." you panic as you hold his hand tightly.You manage to make out his pale face, his blue eyes stare up at you

"You can't carry me so you need to go. Get help. Tell..them...everything." he speaks weakly

"No. I'm not leaving you. I'm not!"

"(Y/N). please. just listen to me."

"I don't want to lose you. I..I can't. I can't." you sob

He reaches up to caress your cheek,wiping some of the tears that wash down your face
"(Y/N). Thankyou. Thank you for..staying with me through all of this. But...we both know that..I'm probably not gonna make it. Thank you so much for changing me..I'm not who I was at all because you..inspired me to change and I could of changed a lot more but..I don't think I'll get the chance to. I love you so much and," he weakly chuckles "I'm actually, afraid to die..before...I didn't care, I thought that if I died that's fine with me anytime. but..I met you and it changed. I started to want to survive." he weakly smiles up at your face, his search all over like he's taking in your features for the last time

"You're not gonna die. I won't leave you here to fucking bleed out, I have to do something." you continue to sob as you gently press one of  your hands against the wound on his abdomen.

"(Y/N) there's nothing you can do. It hurts. It hurts so much.." tears begin to pour from his eyes as he looks up, he's in so much can tell that that's all he's ever felt for so long. Just a lot of pain.

"I..I don't..I don't know what to do. I can't do nothing though, Nathan!" you cry as you lessen the pressure you're putting on his stomach, the blood is spilling out quickly. Your hands are covered with it.

"Jefferson will be back..and I can feel myself..." he mumbles, not continuing as he closes his eyes

"Nathan? Nathan..what? you feel yourself what?" you lightly tap his face, he becomes slightly more alert

"I'm trying but..I can't help it. I'm..fading away. I..I don't want to but..." he holds your hand in his,he cried more.

"I'm getting help. You're gonna be fine." you lean down to softly kiss his cold lips

"I love you, (Y/N). I love much."

"I love you too." you squeeze his hand tightly, you don't want to leave him but you can't wait and you can't watch him die without doing anything. So you stand up and hurry back into the town, you run as fast as you can.

You rush into the police station, it took you while to get there so you're pretty exhausted. You tell them that Nathan is still in the junkyard and if they don't hurry that Mr.Jefferson will dispose of him and the evidence, you let them know where Rachel is buried too. you don't have time to clean off Nathan's blood before they take you back to the junkyard. You're so worried and were gone for a while.
Once you're there you see the paramedics on the scene,they had found Nathan's body where you had him hide. They hadn't even gotten him onto the gurney yet before you rush over. You push through them,shaking Nathan. He's pale. You touch his cold skin. He's unconscious.

"Nathan..Nathan? Wake up. I got help..I..I did it." Tears fill your eyes. The paramedics lift his body, taking him out of your arms to place him on the gurney. You watch as they check his pulse and try to revive him but one of the officers ask you some questions and to show them where Rachel is. You let them know everything you know about;how Mr Jefferson and how he kidnapped you and shot Nathan,his kidnapping of Kate, you let them know that Jefferson used Nathan and that everything that happened was result of him. They promised you that they were gonna find Jefferson and the dark room.

"Can..I go now?" you ask one of the officers

"Stay on the scene. We may need you again. Thank you so much for everything you've done so far, you're doing so good. We appreciate it."

"I'm trying." you mumble and hurry back to the paramedics.

They stopped trying. Nathan is just lying there, you beg them to do something but you know. You know that there's nothing they can do. You sob, grabbing Nathan's cold hand tightly. You sob, putting your head down on his chest. The paramedics give you a moment to grieve before they have to take Nathan's body.
The officers let you borrow a phone so you can call someone to pick you up, Your hands shakily dial the number

"W..Warren..? Please. Come g..get me." you cry into the phone,you're still so shaken that you can barely speak through your sobs as you speak to Warren

"What? (Y/N) what's wrong? where are you?" he sounds super worried and tired

"Just come get me." you tell him the address

"That old junkyard?"

"Yes. Hurry. Please." you choke out before hanging up.

Nathan Prescott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now