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Once you get to the boys' dorm you pound on Nathan's door hastily. You knock louder and louder until Nathan answers, he was dressed already...probably waiting for you to return.
"Oh hey,(Y/N). Where do you want to--" he smiled lovingly

You interrupted him by pushing him in his chest roughly, he stumbles back. He looks confused.
"Why?! Why would you do that?!" you yell at him

"What...what are you talking about..calm down." he says carefully, usually he'd lose his temper by now but he's  trying to work on it when he's with you.

"Calm down?! You're such a asshole!" you push him in his chest again

"Stop! Just tell me what's going this about your phone? I..I bought you a new one I was waiting to give it to you but--"

"No! No it's not about some fucking phone and I don't want your shit anyway. Am I just a game to you? Are you really that disgusting of a person!?" you push him again and again;basically hitting're on the verge of tears. You feel so angry and so betrayed.

"Hey..stop..calm down," he grabs onto you wrists, he leans in to kiss your forehead but you push him away

"Don't touch me!" you step away from him, looking away,"I can't even..I can't even look at you...I can't believe I actually slept with you. I can't believe I told you I loved you."

"I...what..? Really (Y/N) you're freaking me out, tell me what's wrong..I..I can fix it! I'll fix it just please." he walks toward you

"Were you gonna tell me..?"

"Tell you what?"

"That you..hurt Kate..that you didn't take her to the hospital...that" you feel can't even say that word. "That you...touched that."

"Wh..what? I..I don't know what you're talking about." he puts his hands on your shoulders before you slide out of his touch

" do. You do. You lied to me about everything and you hurt Kate..."

"I wouldn't! I wouldn't do that! (Y/N) I..." he trails off but stops himself

"You what..? What happened that night? Tell me the truth."

"I..I can't tell just have to trust me."

"Trust you?! I don' you..not anymore. I never will, Prescott. Never."

"If...If I tell you then..then both of us could get hurt. And..I don't want that for you. Please (Y/N)..I love you." he grabs your hand and turns you to face him

"You were are a bad person. You don't deserve me..and I..I sure as hell don't love you." you felt your stomach turn as you lied. You did love Nathan and that's why this hurt you so much. You ripped your hand out of his.

"(Y/N) don't mean that! You're just..upset." he raised his voice but..he didn't sound mad. He sounded as if he were pleading..looking for a way to fix things

"I do. I do mean it," your voice became harsh, "I don't want to see you or your fucking face again." you reached for the door knob but Nathan quickly ran over;slipping between you and the door

"(Y/N) please! please! I..I don't," he lets out a frustrated sigh, "I..I know I fuck up every thing..and I know I'm not any saint..but..I can't. I can't fuck this up, (Y/N). I..I need you because you're the only person that's made me feel like you care." he stares at you, waiting for a response

"Move..." you attempt to open the door but he presses his back against it to close it

"I do! I do love you! Why can't you fucking see that?! What happened to Kate...I wanted to tell you..I tried. I tried," he cries out, sounding angry but mostly..sad, "I need one cares but parents don't care, I'm just a burden to them and my friends..I don't even have any."

"You're right," you whisper, making Nathan perk up, "No one cares about you." you finish, making Nathan frown. You almost can see his heart drop, you can almost see the tears building up in his eyes.


"You're in big trouble Prescott. We're going to the police." you squeeze past him and out the door. Your eyes burn as tears fall down your cheeks, as you leave the dorm you cry more and're basically sobbing.

You sit in your Chemistry class, trying your best not to can't help but think about your argument with Nathan although it did  happen just a bit ago. You look out the window, watching the rain crash against the glass and down the windowsill. Your thoughts are interrupted by someone poking their head in the class, disrupting the teacher..

"You guys have got to come see this shit going on at the girls' dorm!" the person yells and rushes out.
Everyone gets up in the middle of class and hurries out.
You sigh and grab your stuff and follow behind. Your day just gets worse and worse as you arrive to the girls' dorm. Kate is up there..on the roof. You feel your legs become heavy.
"Oh god..Kate!" you push through the people as they stand by and watch, you yell up to her, "Please Kate! No!" the rain washes down your face along with your tears. She can't hear least she doesn't respond. You watch her as her body falls, her body is static as she drops like a weight. You scream as you cover your face..your heart drops into your stomach..and everything goes quiet.
You look up hesitantly as you sob, you quickly stop as you look back up. still there. It seems as if she never jumped but..she definitely did. You continue to watch as she turns around, she seems to be talking to someone..

Nathan Prescott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now