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you stormed into the boys' dorm and noticed Nathan talking to some guy,you quickly walked up to Nathan and pushed him in the chest, making him stumble back some.
"What the fuck happened?!" you yelled at him

"whoa... (Y/N),chill." he put his hands up a bit in defence, "what's wrong?"

"what's wrong?! I called and called and called! and you didn't pick up, you fucker!"

the guy Nathan was talking to before chuckled, misunderstanding the situation,he quietly walked off.

"sorry my- -"

"sorry?!" you cut him off,  "I was worried sick! and Kate didn't answer the door this morning! why didn't you fucking answer?!" you pushed him in the chest again,he grabbed your wrists tightly

"Stop and let me fucking talk," he sounded a bit stern "I'm sorry, my phone died and I couldn't ask Kate for your number because she was so out of it. I'm not even sure if she had her phone on her."

"..I'm...I was just scared okay, and you had me so worried. I thought something had happened to her, or you, or both of you." you calmed down and sighed, he loosened his grip on your wrists

"It's fine. She's fine..she was probably just knocked out when you went to her door this morning. We were there pretty late..she's okay though."

"thank god." you sighed in relief

"sorry I worried you." he looked down into your eyes with a sincere look

"'s fine." you pulled your wrists away

"I wish we could've hung out more at the party." he put his hands in his jacket pockets

"yeah..i guess." you looked away

"well we can hang out now?"


"let's get something to eat?"

"yeah okay." you slightly smiled at him, "oh wait I gotta go do something right quick!" you walked further into the boy dorms and knocked on Warren's door

"who's this?" Nathan looked the door up and down before Warren opened the door, answering his question.

"oh what's up  (Y/N/N)!" he smiled at you. Nathan seemed surprised by the nickname he called you.

"Hey Warren." you smiled and pulled out his flash drive handing it back

"oh finally!" he took it and chuckled

"it was amazing. the movies were nice and cool. "

"well..thanks for watching them."

"no problem." you smiled

"well I'll see you later right?"

"of course!"
Warren opened his arms for a hug, you began to lean in before Nathan jerked you away.

"hey..I want to be early." he quickly said, he waved bye to Warren and quickly pulled you to leave. Warren furrowed his eyebrows and waved bye to you before closing his door.

"what the fuck is wrong with you?! you're acting weird.." you tried to pull away as he dragged you

"I just...don't trust that guy.."

"'re jealous aren't you?!"

"jealous? why would I be jealous? over you? you do realize I can date any girl I want..don't you..? why would I be that desperate for you."

you quickly pulled away from him
"wow ,you fucking piece of shit. fine. then don't hang out with me, Prescott.  I don't give a fuck about you anyway. so why waste your time on me?"  you yelled at him and stormed off, he followed behind you

"I didn't mean it like that,(Y/N)." he tried to reach out for you but each time you'd jerk away

"don't touch me!" you yelled at him angrily as you kept moving away when he'd try to grab you

"Listen to me!"

"leave me alone,Prescott."  he grabbed you and turned you to him aggressively, squeezing your arms tightly; it hurt but you didn't show it.

"listen to me! I didn't fucking mean it like that...I'm just..worried about you. I want you to stay safe.. I don't know that guy."

"well I do..Warren is good. Why are you worried anyway..?" you looked up at him,still upset but calm enough

"because....I believe Kate was..drugged at the party last night."

"drugged?! w..what? i...i." you felt your stomach turn and you felt sick by the thought of what may have happened to Kate if you  and Nathan weren't there, you felt a shot of anxiety and fear rush throughout you
"f..fuck,Nathan...that's..fucked. I can't believe this."

"I know. I just care okay...I'm sorry I said that stuff but..." he loosened his grip on you and let go

"It's fine...I understand. Thank you for...caring about me, Nathan..."

"let's just..get something to eat.."


you both made your way to Nathan's car,you both got in and you felt him stare at you

"what..?" you raised an eyebrow at him

"I couldn't help but called me Nathan instead of Prescott." he grinned at you

"oh..I don't think so. I probably wasn't thinking straight." you joked, trying to keep a straight face

"does that mean you're starting to like me?" he put his arm around your seat,his grin becoming a smirk

"keep it up and I'm gonna start calling you Prescunt." you joked again, this time you both began to laugh.

"do you come up with these nicknames yourself?" he chuckled more

"yeah." you nodded. 
Nathan began to drive,you looked out the window.

"Are you okay..?"

"hm..? yeah..why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know I just- -" you heard both your phones get a notification, you checked it and it was Victoria. It was a link to a video,you clicked and immediately realized it was a video of Kate at the party last night.

"What? what is it?" Nathan parked at the Two Whales

"jesus fucking christ. K..Kate." you felt your stomach turn again and you felt sick as your eyes became hot. They began to itch from the tears that you desperately tried to hold back, you didn't want Nathan to see you cry. He looked over your shoulder.

"shit." he mumbled as he watched

"I..I  can't." you stopped the video and quickly reported it

"that's fucked up." Nathan still seemed surprised

"what's even more fucked up is that Victoria sent it to me and you...I...I feel sick." you opened your door and leaned out the the car, you felt nauseous just thinking about Kate with those guys, you felt sick at the thought of what could've happened to her. You pulled out your phone and texted Kate to call you when she waked up, you needed to be there for her if she had seen the video or if she knew about it.

"I can't believe Victoria would do something like that."

"well she would and she did." you sounded a bit more stern now, you wiped your itchy eyes even though no tears had came out. Nathan got out and came over to your side, he grabbed your hand and helped you out.

"I'll talk to her..all that matters is Kate right now though..right?" he looked at you

"y..yeah." you nodded

"let's eat. I'll take you straight back so you can check on Kate,okay?"

"okay." you closed the car door and headed into the diner with Nathan, you felt a bit calmer now.

Nathan Prescott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now