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4 weeks later
You sit on the porch of your old house. You sigh and look at the missed calls from your friends , you scroll right past them before calling that same number you bring yourself back to...you've started calling three times a day but this time it's different.
"The voice-mail box associated with this number is full."
You've called so much, and left so many messages...you can't even ask him to delete the messages because he's fucking dead. You sit your phone beside you on the concrete stairs, you sigh in frustration;ruffling your hair in anger. You dig into the pockets of your jacket searching for a cigarette, you hate to admit it but it's become a disgusting habit of yours. You feel something else when you go reaching inside your pocket, you take it out. It's the picture of Nathan that Victoria had given you, the picture he's really happy in. You wipe the tears from your eyes. You gently kiss the picture.
"If you could see me right fucking now, you'd be so ashamed. I'm sorry." you whisper to him as you hold the picture close. You had refused getting help when your parents offered,you were scared at the time and just was afraid of moving on. You were afraid you'd forget about Nathan, but...you realize that you won't forget..getting help is just gonna help you become better. To cope better. Moving on doesn't mean you won't forget. You hold onto the picture tightly;you think for a minute before you grab your phone and head into the house and into the kitchen. Your mom had left a number to a therapist in case you changed your mind taped to the fridge. You shakily press the numbers on the dial pad of your phone, you take a deep breath and press call as you hold the phone up to your ear. Once the doctor's receptionist answers, you make a appointment for as soon as possible..tomorrow. You look at the picture as you speak with her, you're serious about this. You hang up after establishing the appointment.
"I love you. I promise I won't forget you, Nathan."  you whisper again to him, kissing the picture once more. You walk to your room and prop the picture up on your dresser, you smile at it weakly. Tomorrow. Tomorrow starts a new journey for you, a new beginning..

...End of Book

Nathan Prescott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now