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You sat Warren on his bed when you guys got to his room, you filled a plastic bag with ice and handed it to him. Warren looked at your scrapped hands.
"You should clean them."

"I'm fine...I'll do it later. Why were you guys fighting?" you sat in Warren's computer chair, sitting opposite of him.

"He was trying to hurt Max." He pressed the bag of ice up to his bruised eye

"W..what? Are you sure? I mean..maybe it was a misunderstanding..?"

"he squeezed her by her throat...that's no misunderstanding. He headbutted me after I told him to back off...I was only trying to protect her."

"fuck.." you were shocked by this,you never heard or seen of him being violent. Sure he'd get angry and stern sometimes but not that violent.

"He's dangerous, (Y/N)."

"I can protect myself, Warren." he nodded in response to you. you sighed, still in disbelief of Nathan being that way. You felt like you couldn't trust Nathan, not even attempt to.

"I'm just...trying to look out for you I care."

" I know, Warren." you got up

"Leaving already..?"

"yeah...let me know if you need anything.."

"yeah. you too." Warren weakly smiled at you before you left.

Back in your dorm you head to Kate's room before being cut off.
"Listen, (Y/N)." Victoria commanded

"I'm listening.." you replied, Victoria looked shocked as she expected a bitchy remark.

"oh..well. I just wanna say, watch your back. And stay away from Natha- -"

" you don't have to worry about that Victoria, he's all yours. I never wanted him anyway."

"oh..." she went back into her room. You knocked on Kate's door.

"Kate..it's  (Y/N). I want to..talk." you muttered into the door

"Please...go away. I don't feel like talking right now." she sounded like she was crying from the other side. You tried to understand, you didn't want to push her.

"Kate, please let me know when you do. I'm here for you, always." there was no reply but you knew it must have been tough for her, you went to your room too. You checked your phone, Nathan had called and texted you over and over. You ignored it. Fuck Nathan. You knew from the moment you met him that he was just a piece of shit, but you ignored it for that short time you both spent together. You couldn't comprehend why you were so angry with him ,he hurt your friend but you felt a whole different kind of angry. Like..Nathan betrayed you, and you hated his guys for that.
You looked through the messages of him saying he's sorry and that he didn't mean to. But why was he trying so hard to get you to forgive him, 'he can have any girl he wants'. You flopped back on your bed let out a sigh full of anger and confusion.

The next day after you were leaving  class you saw Nathan in the hall, you quickly went over to your locker and blocked your face with the door;hoping he wouldn't see you. Nathan approached you when your dumb plan failed.

"(Y/N) listen. I didn't mean to. okay? talk to me."

"I'm busy." you rambled through your locker, pretending to organize books and read loose paper.

"I ...I didn't mean to push you. Are you okay?" You stayed silent, he grabbed your arm tightly "What is wrong with you? can't you see I'm fucking trying?" he was angry now. You looked at his bruised fist as it clinged to you.

"stop. don't touch me." you tried to push him away with your free hand

"stop being a fucking bitch. I'm trying. does that mean nothing to you..?! if I didn't care I wouldn't even bother with your fucking bullshit."

"my bullshit?! you brought this on yourself Nathan! You hurt my friend. And...you hurt Maxine."

"What? I didn't hurt that nosy little bitch."

"then explain that!" you pointed at the scratch marks on his cheek, "don't lie to me, Prescott."

"I know I fucked up, and normally I don't give a shit if I do...but.."

"What are you saying, I should be grateful of you finally taking responsibility? wow,Prescott." you answer sarcastically ,slamming your  locker shut

"(Y/N) this isn't fair! I can't even talk to you because you're being a whiney bitch! Why can't you just listen?"

"Because, I..don't think I can trust you. You..you just.." you couldn't explain how you felt, not to him or anybody.

"Did you mean it?"

"mean what?"

"when you said you didn't give a fuck about me that one time, do you hate me?"

"no. I..I don't hate you,Prescott. I can't hate anybody. I still barely know you, so I can't say I don't give a fuck or that I hate you and mean it."


"I...I'll forgive you Prescott but...I can't forget."

"okay." his eyes dropped to the floor. you let out a sigh, "I think we both need to chill, right?"

" I guess." you shrugged, causing Nathan to grin

"you up for it?"

"um..what do you have in mind?" you look at him confused.
Nathan quickly grabs your arm and heads to the parking lot, dragging you behind. You follow but you don't walk as fast as him.

"it's a surprise." he has a mischievous smirk on his face now. you weakly smile at how excited he is, you're still upset with him but you think he deserves another chance. Even if what he did is wrong.

"why am I scared to hear you say that?" you reply jokingly,making him snicker

"haha, how cute." he replies sarcastically.

You both get in his car and start to drive off.

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