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You wake up to loud music blaring,Dana. It's nothing new. You sit up and let out a long,loud yawn. You rub your eyes and get up to retrieve your shower supplies. It's already 9 am so you should get ready. You stretch and exit your room slowly, you look around and start down the hall. You quickly notice Nathan walking out of Victoria's room.
"Prescott? what are you doing here?"

He turns to you and finds it surprising that you're here, even though he's in your dorm...with yknow...the girls.
"Oh...hi." he shoves his hands into the pockets of his jacket

"What's up? What are you here so early for?" you smile at him

"Nothing. Just...visiting."

"Well if you want you can go to my room...I....was just gonna go freshen up."

"No,it's fine."

Your expression drops, "oh..okay."

"Nathan ,you forgot your phone." Victoria opens her door a bit, she happens to reveal the lace black lingerie she's wearing. Everything begins to connect as she hands Nathan's phone to him. Victoria,like a bitch, waves to you with a grin as she closes the door.

" I see the reason for your 'visit'.." you furrowed your eyebrows at him, a bit upset.

"" he looks away

"Why are you acting so...weird? why are you sleeping with Victoria?"

"What do you mean? What's wrong with me sleeping with Victoria? hell, I could date her if I wanted to."

"Fine, Prescott You can do whatever and whoever the fuck you want, even sluts like Victoria." you crossed your arms

"Jesus, (Y/N)...she's not - -"

"What is with you?! One minute you act like you actually care and the're just.." you sigh, looking down as you try not to cry.

"I...." he stops and grabs one of your hands, unfolding it in his hand, "can you..can we go talk,outside."

"I'm not dressed and I kind of have to meet someone.."

"It's really important...please, (Y/N)." his eyes are soft and pleading

"okay..okay.. I'll just...let her know I have to talk to her tomorrow or later. Let me get ready." you pull your hand away and hurry to the showers

After you finish dressing you leave the girls's dorm and go to the parking lot,you spot Nathan's car and him inside. You rush over and get in.

"Now tell me what's wrong!" you order him

"I just...don't think we should hang out anymore. I don't think you should talk to me so..."

" so you sleep with Victoria?!"

"I didn't....I didn't sleep with her. She asked me to and I was tempted but...I couldn't..." he looks at you

"Really? You expect me to believe that Victoria threw herself at you and you ignored her? how could you say you were tempted like that makes me feel better?!"

"I ignored her because of you...I...I want to try and be a good person. I want to try because of you but...I'm not (Y/N). I don't even deserve to be here...I should be dead." he looks down

"Are you kidding me?! Nathan..." you reach out and gently hold onto his wrist "you might not make the best choices but you're a good guy.'re my friend." you smile. Nathan looks over at you;raising his hand to cup your cheek. He softly moves towards you. Pressing his lips towards yours, your lips gently collide. You reach up and run your fingers through his hair, he leans over to push you back in your seat;his other hand reaches don't to your hips. You hold onto his arm tightly as it wraps around you, he quickly pulls away.

"I..I'm sorry." he quickly apologizes,quietly panting.

"what? why?"

"I'm just sorry, I can't.." he puts his face in his palms

"You can, I...want you to...kiss me." you gently mumble,putting your hand on his shoulder.

"(Y/n), I.. I'm not..."

"Nathan I like are a good guy." you cup his cheek, he looks over at you. he looks...almost guilty but you assure him that he isn't bad.

"I...I like you too..." he frowns,holding your hand on his cheek, his blue eyes are the softest you've ever seen them.

"I'll help you...I'll be there for you Nathan. If you ever want I can."

"No...d..don't say that." he moves your hand away from his cheek

"Well it's true...promise me you'll remember that."


"Promise?!" you hold out your pinkie finger toward him

"I promise." he softly chuckles at your dumb gesture and wraps his pinkie around yours. You both exchange soft and gentle smiles.

"So you're okay...right now..?" you unwrap your finger from his

"I guess..." he looks over at you, "i hope this doesnt sound dumb...but, do you want to sleep over at my dorm...tonight?"

"sure, why not. I have classes though so...I'll meet you about 6? I'll pick up some dumb movie for us to watch and it'll be cool." you slightly laugh

"Yeah...that sounds cool..." he weakly smiles.

"See you later,then?"

"Yeah.." he smiles at you before you get out of the car and head out to class.

Author's Note
Hey so today was my birthday so sorry for putting this out late. Anyway it was shitty and I really want to just kill myself but whatever.

- rowan 🌸

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