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"Can't belive Max talked Kate off the building earlier...that's so...great." Warren looks at you as he sits at your desk.

"yeah." you whisper, shaking as you stare out the window,sitting in your chair right beside it.

"What's wrong..? I thought you'd be've been really weird since earlier. Are you alright?" he asks concerned

"I...I.." you wipe the tears from your eyes, it seems as if crying is the only thing you can do today

"You can tell me. I'm listening (Y/N)..." he stares at the side of your face

"I, " you avoid even looking at him "I saw her..I saw her jump, Warren. It was awful it was like a nightmare. No matter how many times I think about her being safe right now all I can see is her still fall to the ground." you ball up and begin to sob.

"I..she didn't though she's fine. She's safe."

"Warren...she did. She did jump! I saw's like...everything became fixed somehow...I know I sound crazy but I saw her! " you sob loudly as you replay that moment over and over in your head.

Warren gets up and rubs your back gently
"It's okay..It's just need to rest," he whispers softly "I'll leave you alone and come back to check on's fine. it's okay." he hugs you and hands you a small flipphone from his pocket, "I'll be texting you..I know it's not much and it's pretty old but it's all that I have..and I'm sure your parents are worried about you." he sadly smiles at you, you nod and whisper a thank you before he leaves.

The small phone buzzes in your hand. You haven't slept at all so you answer it quickly..the first thing you see is the time..3:25 am who could be texting you so early..?

unknown: it's me,Nathan...I saw and heard about Kate. I'm sorry.

you:fuck off. I don't want to talk to you, how did you even get this number?
you struggle to type with the small phone. It's also one of those phones you have to press the button multiple times to get to a letter.

unknown: doesn't matter, this isn't about us. it's about Kate..I'll tell you what happened..I'm sorry for what happened to her and I feel awful about it. Meet me tomorrow night, at the lighthouse 1am. I'll tell you everthing. I just want to fix things.

you:fine. but only for Kate.

Your hand wraps around the bouquet of flowers you brought for Kate,she asked to see you today. It's early in the day, you didn't get a wink of sleep last night..
you sigh and walk into her room.

She looks over at the door as you come in,she's propped up in the hospital bed

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She looks over at the door as you come in,she's propped up in the hospital bed.

"Hey (Y/N)," she takes a good look at you, "woah,not to be mean look a hot mess (Y/N)..are you resting well? I probably have no place to talk but..but you look like you need to rest." she sounds concerned

You weakly smile and put the flowers in a vase by her bed side table, there's already some in there..
"Just..have a lot of stuff on my plate. But," you sigh and take a seat next to her bed "You're my top priority right now. I don't matter right now. How are you?"

"I feel stupid..still depressed I suppose, but..I'm glad Max came to my rescue. I'm so sorry." she wipes her tired eyes

"Kate. Please. Don't apologize to were scared and lost and didn't know what to's not your fault. You were bullied onto that roof and I can't even imagine having to deal with the things you remember from that night."

"Still..if I put you under any stress or trauma I..I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." her voice shakes as she wipes a tear from her eye

"It was..scary. And I thought I..I had lost you. I keep seeing the...alternate outcome. It's not your fault though..I just..probably need to sleep." you sniffle but show her a weak smile

"I'm so so sorry.. (Y/N). That sounds..awful."

"So," you change the subject "When you get out of here I say we get some tea with Max..we can all talk and get to know each other more..maybe we can even plan something for our summer..roadtrip Maybe?" you weakly grin

she smiles and nods quickly
"That sounds great..God that'd be so amazing."

You quietly laugh as you stare at her, you can definitely tell her spirits are up..

You spent the day chatting with Kate, it was great seeing her smile and alive. You fell asleep in her room and was woken up by a nurse who said it's best if Kate got some sleep alone.
You drove to the beach. You looked at the was already past 12 decided to get up and hike up to the lighthouse. You pulled the hood of your jacket over your head since it was lightly raining.
You pulled out the small flip phone as you sat on the bench on the hill

you: Nathan. I'm here. Come on.

You stared down at your phone..getting no answer. You pull your hood down and sigh.
Did he lie again..?

You:I'm leaving if you're not on your way.

You shut the phone roughly and shove it in your jacket pocket, before you can stand you feel something sharp in your neck. You let out a yelp as you quickly touch the spot. Your vision becomes blurry and your body becomes numb, you try to stand up but you end up falling to your knees. You fall onto the ground,you try to focus on the figure above you.
"Na..Nathan?" your voice comes out weak, as a whisper
You can't see through the dark or through the blurriness...but you can tell that he's definitely not Nathan. Before you can call out for help you black out.

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