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Mr. Jefferson checks on you every so often, he gives you another dose of that stuff. He hasn't told you what he wants from you..why would he keep you alive? You wait. Hoping for Nathan to help you soon.
Jefferson strolls into the room after leaving you alone for a bit ,this time accompanied by Nathan. Jefferson smiles at you,"Did you miss me?" he grabs his camera again

Nathan looks at you;crossing his arms..he looks tense. When Jefferson gets near you he looks a bit irritated, protective.
"What are you doing?" he tries to ask patiently

"Shh..quiet,Nathan. Can't you see I'm doing something," he holds the camera up to your face,you squint at the flash and hold your head down, "Stop doing that." he turns your head back toward him aggressively

"Don't touch me." you pull your face away from him

"You're really irritating me...I would stop if I were you." his voice grows louder

"Stop..please, leave me alone." you keep moving away from him, he gets irritated and wraps his hand around your throat.

"I hope you know I'm not letting you go, so I think you should enjoy your last few hours alive." he threatens

You can tell Nathan's trying his best not to get upset, or at least show he's upset.

"Just let me go! I won't tell anyone..just please.." you plead

"Shutup. I'm getting really sick of you, yknow, Kate wasn't this stubborn..she was quite pleasant to have."

your stomach drops at the mention of her "You're a fucking piece of shit!" You can't help but become angry, you spit at him.

Your cheek stings as his palm hits your face.

"Hey! What the fuck?!" Nathan quickly rushes over and pushes him away from you "That's enough." he sternly says as he looks him straight in the eyes.

"Looks like you don't know your place either." he grabs Nathan by his collar and winds back his fist. His fist roughly collides against Nathan's face. Nathan falls to the ground.

You quietly gasp
"S..Stop!" you quickly plead

Jefferson punches him over and over and over, you become afraid that he won't stop

You sob out Nathan's name as you look away,flinching each time the sound of Jefferson's fist erupts as he punches Nathan. The noise finally stops. You look over at Nathan hesitantly,you can tell his face is starting to bruise. His body is limp, which worries you.
"w..what did you do?!" you want to get up and hurry to him but you can't

"shutup. he's still alive. I hope you both learned your lesson." Jefferson stands;clenching his bruised can't tell if it's his blood or Nathan's that cover his knuckles.

"You're gonna pay for this,Jefferson. You will pay for this." you try to sound intimidating but it comes out as a sobbing plea that doesn't sound too hopeful.

"We'll see to it,ms.(Y/L/N)." he grins;menacingly at you before leaving.

You look over at Nathan, you can't see how bad his face is because he's turned away. You try to call his name but he seems to be unconscious..

Some time passes before you hear Nathan as he groans
"Nathan?! Are you okay?" You quickly jolt up,your face is still wet from tears.

he doesn't say anything but he looks at you before quickly sitting up.Half of his face was bruised. He looks around before struggling to stand up, he wipes the blood from his nose.
"I..I got to get you out of here." he stands and quickly walks over to you

"god..Nathan..your face. Your face...he--"

"shh.." he quickly goes to the desk in the room, grabbing some scissors from a drawer; he comes back over and cuts the tape from around your arms and legs. You feel so relieved,not as trapped as you grab onto Nathan.

Nathan Prescott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now