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After class you go to Warren's room to borrow some movies, it's still an hour before you go to Nathan's room but you'd like to be have your stuff together.

"'re spending the night with Nathan..?"

"Warren. Please....I think..." you look at him ,"I think we might actually be...getting somewhere." you search through his movies

"What do you mean?"

"Well...he kissed me." you smile slightly, trying not to seem too excited

"He kissed you?!" Warren looks surprised...

"Yeah...he did."

"I'm happy for you...I still don't like him're happy right?" he smiles

"Yeah...a little. When you finally tell Max how you feel we can go on double dates and all that gross couple shit..." you joke, looking over at him

"God, no." he sits up from his bed, chuckling

"I'm half kidding...I mean seriously if Nathan wants to be with me or whatever...and Max and you get together it'd be cool for us to hang out. It'd definitely expand your friends list." you laugh quietly as you stack some of the movies you're borrowing

"One, that's rude. I have plenty of friends!"

"Of course you do." you mumble sarcastically

"Anyway...what if me and Max don't even get together? what if she doesn't like me or likes someone else? What if she's into girls? What if she's not into dating anyone because she doesn't like romantic relationships?" Warren crosses his arms

"Well you'd never know if you don't ask her out!" You laugh, "You're a good guy Warren, no girl could resist you and your......charm?" you smile,  trying to be reassuring 

"Wow! So you're not gonna mention my good looks or my hot bod?" Warren jokes

"I mean yeah...those too..!" you laugh again

"Seriously...if we don't get together don't invite me to hang out with you and Nathan. I don't want to be a third wheel...that's biggest fear." he quietly chuckles

"Okay...I'll keep that in mind." you stand up with the movies in hand

"Be careful, I'm right down the hall of you need anything..." he looks at you as you head towards the door

"Okay. Thanks, Warren." you smile and leave his room.

I'm hopefully gonna finish the next part today if not tomorrow, I just want the part with Nathan to be separate
-rowan 🌸

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