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You opened your eyes a bit to sunlight in your eyes,the light made your head hurt. You squinted and realized how much your head was killing you, a hangover? you hadn't had one of those in forever. you turned your head away from the light coming through the blinds, you opened your eyes to realize you weren't in a familiar room. The room you were in was clean and neat, nothing was really colorful...the room was full of dark colors. This was definitely not your room, you sat up quickly at the realization and your head wasn't ready for that. You felt a sharp pain in your head. Who's room is this? You looked over at the cough across the room to see a familiar red jacket, Nathan was passed out on the couch.

"oh..." you looked around, " I guess this is his room." you sat up on the edge of the bed. You heard a pained groan come from Nathan.

"fuck." he mumbled in a raspy voice. you'd think he'd be used to it as much as he goes out and attends and throws parties. you stayed quiet, trying to remember what happened. Nathan turned his head to you, he looked a bit surprised.

"uh...hey." you nervously smiled

"hey, (Y/N)." he waved slightly

"wh..what happened..? we didn't um...yknow..did we?" you looked about afraid

"what the fuck? of course not!" he got up

"what happened then?"

"well all I remember is bringing you back here, taking off your shoes and jacket and laying you down in my bed. You were unconscious."

"oh..." you held onto your head and stood up, you noticed your jacket across the room and went to get it;taking slow steps. You picked it up, and took a quick glance in the mirror before realizing something off. you noticed the hickies on your neck that led down to your collar bone. You started to recall what happened last made you uncomfortable and it made you feel awkward, I mean you barely even know Nathan still. You quickly threw your jacket over you so Nathan wouldn't notice, you hoped he didn't remember.

" I think I'll stay away from parties for a while..." you nervously smiled even though you were serious. You noticed Nathan's slight look of disappointment after you said that.

"don't be such a pussy." he smirked

"pfft. I'm not." you picked up your shoes and put them on,"it's almost time for class so I should go...see you later."
Nathan stood up quickly and looked out the door, looking both ways into the hall

"I don't want people to think anything...happened."

"oh...yeah."  that kind of made you feel kind of shitty. I mean what's wrong with being seen with you? You tried not to think too much of it, you hurried out of the boy's dorms and went to yours. You freshened up and got dressed for class.

You went to the photography class first to see Kate
"hey!" you hurried to her and hugged her, she had dark rings around her eyes and her eyes looked a bit red and irritated. It looked like she'd been  crying.

"Hey.. (Y/N)." she sadly smiled

"Kate...I..I'm sorry. it's all my fault , I should've stayed by your side I- -"

"Don't be silly, (Y/N). it's not your should get to class...I'll call you." she looked down at her sketchpad and started drawing, Kate illustrated really cute pictures. You once told her that she would be an amazing illustrator for children's books if photography didn't work for her.

"okay." you said a bit disappointed , you left the class and went to your art class. You still couldn't decide what you wanted to paint and spent the whole class sitting there, after it was over you walked into the hall. Everything was normal until you heard a loud noise, it sounded like..a gunshot? A second later it was like nothing even happened, the noise was replaced by the fire alarm and everyone rushing out the building. Maybe you're just hearing things or maybe it wasn't an actual couldn't have been. Your were on your way to your room when your phone buzzed, Nathan wanted you to meet him in the parking lot. You turned around and headed there, as you walked to the parking lot you noticed a commotion. A fight, between Nathan and Warren as a truck drove off past you. You quickly rushed over to pull Nathan off of him.

"Nathan! what the hell are you doing?!" you tried to pull on his arm but he ended up pushing you back, you fell on the concrete. Scrapping your hands a bit as you tried to catch yourself, you ended up hitting your head anyway. Nathan slightly turned to realize what he did, he stopped hitting Warren.

"(Y/N)! I'm sorry I didn't- -" he got off of Warren and reached out to help you, you scooted away.

"D-Don't," you stood up yourself, stumbling a bit "don't touch me." you finished your sentence and walked over to Warren

"(Y/N) don't be like that." he grabbed your arm but you jerked away, you glanced at his bruised knuckles. This was another side of Nathan you hadn't seen scared you .

"Prescott..please." you turned away and helped Warren up, "Come on, we should put some ice on your eye." you said to him as you looked at the black eye Nathan had given him, you walked passed Nathan and took Warren to his room. You definitely didn't like this side of Nathan.

Nathan Prescott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now