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author's note
so I'm changing the pacing and storyline from the original game just to be clear so stick with me

Max closes the door behind her.

"I talked to Kate ealier...that's why I wanted to see you ealier. I should've told you it was urgent so we'd talk sooner but..we need to go to the police soon. I'm trying to gather evidence so we can--" Max talks fast as she attempts to explain

"wait..evidence?..police? slow down..i..what's going on?" you asked;confused and unable to catch up

"Kate...Kate says Nathan didn't take her to the hospital...I don't know where he took her but she says she thinks he hurt her that night. When she returned here she felt...gross and..not well."

Your heart drops, you shake your head,"What are you talking about? He..he took her to the hospital..he told me he did."

"(Y/N), I don't know what happened that night but--"

"Max..do you think he...he sexually assaulted her..? I..I..it just doesn't make sense, he was with me the whole time up until he took her to the hospital he couldn't have drugged her."

"I'm not saying he drugged her..maybe he just,as much as i hate to say it, took advantage of the opportunity," Max looks at you, "So far I don't have anything but.."

"Max. I know you don't like Nathan but he's a good guy,he wouldn't do that he- -"

"(Y/N), Kate wouldn't lie or even make accusations if she wasn't sure...you know that." Max frowns

you feeling so many things, denial for the most part.
"Nathan wouldn't...he..he wouldn't dare. He..he's not like that." you say aloud, you're trying to reassure yourself rather than Max

"Do..you know Nathan?"

you shrug but nod as you start to breathe heavy, you sit on Max's bed "This has to be a mistake. Nathan is...he's my boyfriend I..." you feel sick. You feel anxious, you feel angry, you feel betrayed.

"I'm so sorry...I..I didn't know." Max quickly apologizes, she moves closer to you. She reaches out to comfort you but you slap her hand away

"Pl..Please. I need a minute." you choke out the words as you begin to hyperventilate, you cross your arms and stand up. You quickly leave the room. You feel your stomach tie into knots.
'What if Nathan doesn't love you? What if Nathan was just using you? You thought he cared about you? You loved him...you love him.' that's all you can think, you feel selfish. It's not about you it's about Kate. You wipe your eyes before tears can escape. You become angry..so angry that you ball up your fists to the point where your nails are digging into your skin. You begin to storm back to the boys' dorm to go talk to him. You hate him.

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