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You adjust yourself as you stare toward the door. You just woke up but you're already starving. You turn over to see Nathan facing you, his eyes shut and his arm laying under your head. You both are close, you sit up quickly, elbowing Nathan in the jaw by accident as you jerk away. Nathan let's out an aggravated yet tired groan as he sits up, holding his jaw.

"What the fuck, bruh?" He looks at you, he looks kind of mad

"Sorry." you try not to laugh

"You're such an asshole." he whines with a pout, you laugh.

"what are you 6?"

"inches, yeah." he replies with a weak smirk

"gross." you playfully slap him in his bare chest, you try to ignore the fact he's not wearing a shirt.

"what? " he noticed the slightly worried look on your face, he reaches out to you to tuck a stray hair behind your ear.

"Nothing." you scoot to the edge of his  bed, holding your head

"Yea, there is.." he scoots to the edge beside you, he lays his head on your shoulder . you're a bit surprised but you don't mind.

"I just...feel weird." you say, you see a quick flash and it happens again

"what?" he says in the same tone, tucking the same piece of hair behind your ear again

"didn't you just..?" you look confused

"just what?"

"nothing. I think I'm just still tripping a bit."

"oh." he chuckles and gets up, "I'm going to go shower, you can stay in my room if you want, or go." he grabs some stuff to take to the showers with him, including a change of clothes.

"okay." you softly smile, he exits the room. You lay back down and wait for Nathan. You hear your phone chime, you sit up to see it lit up on Nathan's couch. You get up and check it, a text from Warren appears on the screen.
Warren🔬: are you still with Nathan?
you reply with "yeah, why?"
Warren🔬: i seriously get a weird feeling from that guy, he's dangerous.

You: seriously? honestly warren I appreciate you caring but you don't have the right to tell me who I can and can't hang out with. he's my friend.

Warren🔬: I do though. I have the right to protect you as a friend. Nathan isn't a good guy, I know.

You: Why do you care so much??

Warren🔬: just

Warren🔬:come talk to me later. 


You: fine. okay.

You sigh and walk back to the bed, you wait for Nathan.
"Sorry if it took long.." he rubs his hair with the towel in his hands

"You're fine. Hey, you want to go get something to eat?"

"woah...you're inviting me somewhere..usually I have to make you go somewhere with me!" he chuckles

"Well I'm hungry and you're paying." you slightly laugh

"fair enough. I don't mind."

"of course not, rich-boy." you smile to slightly

Nathan Prescott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now