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You had packed all your stuff. You happened to throw away a lot of things, like posters and memories of the things you were interested're just not the same girl that came to Blackwell in search of a future anymore.
You sat at the computer desk,you took out the new phone Victoria had bought for you as a...apology.
You dial Nathan's number again,you listen to it ring until it goes to the voice message
"Yo. it's Nathan. Leave a message or whatthefuckever." you listen closely to his voice and that small chuckle before the tone

"I guess..I guess I know you're not gonna get this. Well, I know, at least some part of me does. I'm..not gonna be attending Blackwell's like your ghost still lurks here or the memories of you and it's so..hard..and scary. But, no matter what, I love you Nathan." you whisper into the phone before hanging up, you sigh staring at Nathan's contact. You move down to the list to Warren, you wait for him to answer and when he does you clear your throat
"Warren. Please, talk to me. Why won't you speak to me?"

"I'm still your friend're leaving me. You know you're the only friend I really have, I'll just miss you alot. But,I know you've got to do this. I won't stop you. I just want you to remember to call."

"I will. I promise. Honestly Warren, I'm scared.."

"Of what?"

"The future I hasn't even been a week and I'm in horrible condition already and I just--"

"I belive in you (Y/N). I know you're not ready to accept it but until you do you still need to get help coping better."

"..he..told me that I was strong. And that I should stay brave and strong but I don't think I'm keeping his wish..I can't. I'm weak, Warren." you mumble

"Stop. You're not weak you lost someone you really care about,you held him as he died. You're still here, you haven't given up..I think you're keeping his wish. And thanks to you the police will put an end to Mr.Jefferson and those things he did to those girls, those things he did to Kate." his voice is soft and sincere but determined to help you feel better, to tell you the way it is..

"Warren..I--thank you. I really needed to hear that.."

"no problem.."

"(Y/N) you're alive. Even if you don't want to be you are, that makes you brave to me. You're being strong by not hurting yourself, you're brave for calling your parents and going back with them to take a break. You deserve a break."

"Thanks, Warren. I'm so...thankful for you." you smile to yourself weakly. You both tell eachother goodbye before you hangup, you get a new message.

Kate👼: Hi. I heard about all the difficult things you're going through. Remember to stay awesome (Y/N), you're in my prayers always.

You:Aw thankyou so much Kate!♡

Kate👼:Coming back later today we should do something. Sleepover in my room?

You:Yes! that sounds great! See you soon!!

Kate👼:see ya! 😼

It's 7pm when Kate sends you a text, inviting you over. You made sure to freshen up earlier, you change into new pajamas and leave your room. You knock on Kate's door.
"(Y/N)! It's so amazing to see you!" she swings the door open and gives you a super tight hug. You hold onto her, you weakly smile at her warmth and care. She pulls away and grabs your hands

"I'm so glad to see you're doing better.." you squeeze her hands

"Me too, (Y/N). I won't push you but just know that you can talk to me about anything."

"Well..I think I should let you know that I'll be leaving and going back with my get help with accepting how things will be now."

"I get it, I completely understand (Y/N)..just..stay in touch or I'll be super duper worried." she quietly giggles, she pulls you by your hands into her room;closing the door.
You both spend the night talking and doing all the fun things you can do in the solitude of Kate's dorm, she even gets you to laugh a couple of times and for a forget.

Nathan Prescott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now