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"Kate! Hey!" I sat with her in the booth.

"Hey." she smiled

"Two Whales has tea?"

"yeah..if you ask."

"I'll stick with coffee though...I'm really tired.."

Our waitress came over "What can I get for you two lovely ladies..?"

"I'll have a coffee please and some waffles!"

"Tea,please." Kate smiled at her

"Coming right up!" she went to get our orders

I looked at Kate

"How's the contest? Did you win?"

"They haven't even got all the entry's, the due date is in a week or two." she giggled at my eagerness

"oh..," I nervously laughed "I hope you win though."

"my photo wasn't that amazing. Victoria will probably win...I don't mean to speak ill of her but, she's basically kissing Mr Jefferson's butt."

I laughed "Doesn't surprise me. Uh..have you heard of the party coming up soon?"

"Tomorrow? Yeah...some friends want me to go...but I don't know. The vortex club is too wild, I heard they do drugs and stuff."

"I was just wondering...I kind of would like to go. Maybe I'll get some painting ideas?"

"Yeah that'd be nice..It'd make me feel better if you were're one of my responsible and smart friends , I know you'll do the right things."

"yeah? then it's made up I'll come. do you know what I should wear?"

"I'm sure whatever you want, maybe something a bit more...fancy. you know how they are. "

"actually I don't. I know of the vortex club but I don't know the people."

"well...I'm no one to judge but people say that they're just spoiled rich kids. they do drugs and do other...bad things. I'm kind of nervous to go."

"Don't worry, Kate. Just be aware of your surroundings. We can even go together.." I smile at her

"yeah that'd be nice."

me and Kate continued with small talk when our orders finally were brought out, Kate drunk her tea and I drunk my coffee and ate my waffles.

After finishing I took out my keys and paid my part of the meal and Kate did too. I held up my keys.
"Wanna ride back to school?"

"no..I'm actually going to meet with my friends, I want to find a new blouse to wear for the party."

"alright. I'll see you later Kate, have a nice day."

"you too." she smiled and got up from the table, she waved as she walked off.

I smiled to myself and stood up,I walked to the door but I was quickly blocked by a guy.

"Well well well, if it isn't the little nosy bitch." Nathan had this eat shit grin in his face

"Don't call me that. I don't even know what you're talking about and I don't even know who you are." I crossed my arms as I lied through my teeth,trying to intimidate him.

"oh really? because the Prescotts basically own this shitty town. So why were you eaves dropping,nosy? jealous? are you a fan girl or something?"

I scoffed "fangirl? what kind of fantasy are you living in?"

he chuckled "What's your name?" he grabbed my arm tightly,dragging me to a both with him. I tried to pull his hand off but he was holding tight and it hurt.

"what the fuck dude? it's none of your fucking business. let me go!" he sat me in the booth and sat beside me,on the outside of the booth. he put his arm around me after letting go.

"no need to be so hostile. I just want to get to know my stalker."

"stalker?! have you lost your fucking mind,creep?" I slapped his hand away from my shoulder

"I'm not the creep here. You were the one listening to my conversation, you were the one in my fucking business!" he sounded a bit more stern

"Fine. I was listening bit only because I was interested in the party...that's it. And yes I do actually know who you are...well your name at least."

he chuckled and became less serious
"So you like to party?"

"what's it to you?" I shrugged

"Well I'll see you there,wear something sexy....what's your name?"

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)." you scooted away from him some

"Wear something sexy, (Y/N). " he put his hand on your thigh and you quickly grabbed it and moved it to his own .

"Watch yourself, Prescott. Now out my way." you said sternly and he chuckled at your attempt to be intimidating. He got up to let you out.

"Bye (Y/N)" he chuckled and sat back down once you walked toward the door. You instantly regretted telling him your name. You quickly went to the parking lot and got in your car.

'The nerve. 'wear something sexy' you've got to be pulling my fucking dick'  you thought as you started the car and made your way back to Blackwell.

You entered the girls' dorms and immediately heard the shitty pop music blasting from Victoria's room. You poked your head in.
"please turn that shit off. I have work to do." you yelled over the music

"Of course anything for the stalker," she said sarcastically "Nathan told me about you watching us you creep."
the tables were turned and you were the creep now.

"Listen,Bitchtoria. I wasn't watching you guys and I'm not in the mood for this so if you'd please turn off your shitty ass music it'd be great."

Victoria scoffed
"Fine! J..just...get the fuck out of my room!" she couldn't think of anything to say  back, it was obvious. you moved out the door and she slammed it shut in your face.

'And that's how you deal with a bitch.' you thought and went to your room, you closed the door, sat at the desk and started to think of some things for your art project. You sketched out many ideas just to scratch them out with your pencil or ball them up and throw them in the trash. You were discouraged as you slammed your head down on the desk.

"ow." you mumbled to yourself. You turned out the light,took of your shoes and flopped onto the bed;going to sleep.

Nathan Prescott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now