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after eating at the diner Nathan drove you back to the school
"I'm coming to the dorms with you." he quickly said, he had to talk to Victoria. You both got out the car and marched to the dorms, you got into the girl's dorms and banged on Victoria's door

"'s you.." she said immediately after opening the door

"what the fuck is wrong with you?! how could you do that to Kate or..anybody?"

"what...? I don't know what you're talking about."

"Tori...did you really do that? Kate's video..?" Nathan raised an eyebrow at her

"what if I did?" she crossed her arms "what the fuck Nathan, are you on this bitch's side now? are you that desperate? she's nothing. she's pathetic." Victoria laughed in your face,your angry expression faltered for a minute and she saw. She saw how she found your insecurities and poked at them, no matter how hard you forced that strong facade. You wished you didn't care, but you did.

"F...fuck you Victoria, you're gonna be sorry some day." it was all you could say back at the moment, you went to you room and shut the door;locking it. You texted Kate but there was no answer. You felt so weak, what could you do for Kate? she was all over the Internet and it was only a matter of time before the video spread, once it was on the Internet it was there forever. You heard your phone vibrate
"hey... its nathan. are u gnna b alrite?" Nathan texted to you, you didn't answer because you couldn't say no. You couldn't tell him about your problems. About your fears. You couldn't tell anyone. You laid in bed and stayed there,not wanting to do anything.

you awoke to your phone blowing up, you received 6 phone calls all from Nathan all in the time span from 12:40am to 1am. You sat up quickly,worried something might have happened; before you could call back you got a text from him.

"(Y/N) r u therr?? "

"what? what's wrong Prescott?" you texted back

"i needd u rn. "

"why? where are you?"

"thers ths siiicc part y and i needd u 2 g et ur ass her. " he took a while to reply back. You rolled your eyes and debated whether or not you should go, fuck it. This week couldn't have gotten worse. You threw back on what you wore to the last party since you didn't wear it long, you got to the place where the last party was. The crowd was just as large as before and the strong smell of alcohol and weed filled your nose. You looked around for Nathan, instead of finding him he found you.

"shit! (Y/N)! You actually came..!" his voice was raspy and his words slurred, you could smell the alcohol roll off his tongue. No wonder he texted you.

"yeah..." you noticed his slightly red eyes, you looked at him surprised. You hadn't seen this Nathan yet. He put his arm around you and led you to get drinks, you smelt weed on Nathan, just as you suspected. He's high and drunk.

"what would you like to drink, something weak or strong?" his words slurred again

"I really need something to forget this week it's been shitty so" he poured you a drink and handed it to you, you took a sip and felt a burning sensation run down your throat and into your chest. Nathan stared at you and you tried to act like you didn't notice.You took another drink, this time chugging the strong alcohol down; the burning felt less painful than before.

"Want another one?" Nathan asked you. You nodded and he refilled your cup.

"pfft,I feel like an alcoholic." you said and looked into your cup. Nathan snickered at your comment. You chugged the cup down again, you could feel your alcohol tolerance kick in. You felt a little dizzy but you still asked for another. Nathan sat you down on the couch a bit aggressively, he sat really close to you. He stared you down as you drank again and again. By your fifth cup, you didn't care at all.

"hey.. (Y/N)...?" Nathan paused between his words as he slurred

"Yea?" you sat your empty cup down on the small table in front of you, you almost fell over by just leaning forward.

"Your outfit is super hot..yknow.? You look so fucking sexy." he put his arm around you, leaning his face onto your shoulder.

"wow..thank you so much." even though you were drunk it didn't stop you from being a sarcastic little bitch. He snickered, slightly biting his lip.

" I really mean it though." his raspy voice filled your ear. you felt a chill run through your body.

"really? nah..I'm not. I'm not pretty or you can have any girl you want, remember? someone way sexier and way hotter." you laughed.
Nathan pressed his lips into your neck,sending another chill through your body. His other hand moved to your thigh.
"P...Prescott..what are yo- -" you quickly bit your lip as he moved down to your collar bone, you could feel him bite and suck on the soft patch of skin. You knew the skin would bruise and leave you with a hickey. He began to make more and you couldn't protest, he moved his hands down to your hips and gripped onto your waist roughly. You let out a soft and quiet moan as you put your fingers through his hair. Was this what you really wanted?

Nathan Prescott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now